labor will lose the lot - bracks, page-24

  1. 7,747 Posts.
    Oyster I don't know who you or the rest of these libs.

    I read what you people post and your post is a classic example of someone that has only started following politics.

    This paragraph clearly backs up my claim.

    "They have encouraged the most disadvantaged in our society to continue their problem gambling, alcohol abuse and poor health choices ( smoking ) by giving them money to support their habits"

    The Howard Gov had years and years to stop this or at least address it.
    But no they gave young girls thousands of dollars to have .

    Classic politition tactic that suck us in.


    Remember we don't know any thing about the libs policies yet and yet the pollls say people are prepared to to give him a go.

    Once he is in we are stuck with him. Sure maybe he will be great but what if he is not. What then. Will you all b back on here bagging him out.
    I doubt it somehow. I doubt we will see most of of these nics ever again.
    One thing you will see are the polls swinging again't him.

    Anyway food for thought
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