reserve bank lost the plot, page-19

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    love the arguments put forward, on behalf of the banks...the fraudsters who run the world

    australian banks have treated you all like you are morons....
    they keep saying they have to borrow from overseas....
    (and likewise assume you dont know what the overseas rates are )
    what is it, zero rates in Japan, 1% in the US, 2% in the UK...and what is the EUR rate ?

    and then with the added influence of some great morons, the names of which I will not state here, but who came to office in 2007....and stated,

    that australia was immune from the GFC, and we were in fairyland...
    so the bankers took this and ran with it, they raised our rates to on average 10% for borrowings...
    whilst the rest of the world was dropping, and slashing rates...
    whoo hoo for the mafia banksters....they correctly picked the australians as major suckers...well MORONS actually

    whilst at the same time, borrowing from overseas at ridiculously very low rates

    the rba is supposed to independent...but it is not now..
    not since labor came to office in 2007...
    but glen stevens was a labor man, and he has consistently raised rates, since he came to office...
    his best moment was when he raised them just prior to the 2007 election....
    in order to dispel the truth, that rates were always lower under a liberal govnut...

    a magnificent ploy for labor, and the destruction of the independence of the RBA, from political interference

    he has effectively destroyed this country...with high interest rates...
    so everything is cheaper overseas, jobs, manufactoring, tourism....
    and the only reason is...interest rates, and the cost associated with running a business, based on those higher rates....which are substantially higher in australia...compared to the same rates overseas...

    the only winners in this situation are the bankers....

    and then we have the knowledge...that the most influential bankers in the western world, in the most advanced economies in the world, have been fraudulent in manipulating the interest rates....

    do any of you really believe, our australian banksters are immune from this fraud...

    ignorance is absolute bliss...

    because education is expensive.....

    and you dont do expensive

    well, not in the things that matter...

    as in a good education to begin with, and then an ability to read with an open mind, the many manipulative forces, that the fraudsters employ, to take your money....

    however, you can feel safe and smug, whilst enjoying the other ways you are manipulated, to enjoy your life...
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