"why atheism is a burden not a benefit, page-67

  1. 174 Posts.
    Some interesting responses here on this thread.

    Before I tell you which side of the fence I sit lets put down the two distinct possibilities that could have occurred :

    1. That there was a big bang and the universe was created out of nothingness or

    2. There is a all loving and caring God who has always just existed

    Lets just assume for arguments sake that both could equally have the same chance of occurring because irrespective of what arguments or counter arguments each party comes up with there is not any 100% irrefutable and unequivacable evidence to support either.

    Although my parents are religious I am an atheist. Don't get me wrong here, I would like to believe in an all loving and all caring God however there is one definitive flaw that not a single person has been able to explain with any logical reasoning.

    Let me give you an explanation about what i perceive as a justification for not believing in an all caring and loving God.

    In the eyes of religious people God knows everything, be it past, present or future. There is nothing he does not know that has happened, is happening or will happen in the future... nothing.
    So my question is that when God created man why did God allow man the ability to perpetrate evil in its various forms?

    I have heard many times that reasoning God granted man "choice" but I must confess that I find that argument to be invalid as God already new the choice each individual person was going to make even before he created them. He already new before Adam and Eve were created exactly what choice each would take otherwise that would mean that God did not know and hence by definition he should lose his title of God.This would mean that God is not really a God as a God is all knowing could never make a mistake...

    The flip side to this would mean that God is not really the all caring and loving God but leans more towards true neutrality in regards to good and evil and that in itself based on all the events in human history would be the most logical answer if one was a believer.

    Anyway, good luck to all irrespective of your beliefs.

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