muhammad did not exist, page-100

  1. 7,453 Posts.

    Mate,with all due respect ,
    that video you just put up on religion,really just goes to show you do not know your subject matter

    That video is just talking about the elite controlled religious crap

    The best way to destroy something good,is to misrepresent it

    i cant understand, how people who dont know their subject matter,can be so strong in their opinion

    Part one of Zeitgeist the movie asserts that Jesus Christ is just one of numerous solar messiahs who all share similar characteristics such ... all » as born on December 25, to a virgin, had 12 disciples, was crucified, buried and resurrected. A study of primary source documents easily proves otherwise which is the purpose of this presentation by Douglas Hamp from Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. Leave comments at his blog:­t-1.html or visit his websites: and the rebuttal of your utube jaques,you dont have to get very far into the utube to see nearly every claim your utube makes is a fallacy

    But we all know you dont look at this other opinion,and you wont watch this rebuttal or anyone else usually who has your opinion,but in the interests of fair play,i put it there just in case someone has the guts to look at it
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