how to ensure the worlds food supply, page-2

  1. 2,405 Posts.
    no no no,like organic and stuff is it,and the africans that farm in the arms of gaia are like organic and stuff and chemicals kill and fertilisers kill and gmo's kill and we like must like be like cuba and grow organic vegetables instead of having parking lots and irrigation kills and the dams have to go so the rivers can live and the kayaks can paddle free and we in the inner city live in such a rich country that we should give the food that other people grow to people that have twelve children and not enough food to have any more and if we dont eat meat the poor people will have more food,and if the poor people want to eat meat we should order them not to eat it because we know better and if we do organics the earth will love us and it will rain and the diseases and insects and rusts and blights will live like in peace and stuff and not hurt organic food,like because it is like organic.

    the balance of power in australia is held by child senator hanson young and like thinkers. food production in australia is slowly being strangled by the voting power of people who assume that their food supply is so secure that they can demand their feelings are the most important part of the food chain. at some stage the demographic power of 10 billion people demanding food drowns the protests of australias inner city housing millionaires.
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