the nanny state, page-21

  1. 2,710 Posts.
    Sorry country writer but I do not agree.

    I deplore smoking and I would be extremely aggrieved if my children decided to take it up.

    BUT it is still a legal product. The Government, by banning packaging bar their own mandated design, is basically saying you plebs are dumb. You are being beguiled by visually seductive tobacco packaging therefore you do not realise how unsexy and dangerous smoking actually is!

    So Government-designed packaging will save the zombie citizen from the temptation by shielding their eyes from mesmerising and brain-reducing logos.

    It's a load of crap.

    From here I see a number of unforeseen consequences (well to the Government anyway).

    - Appeal to higher court.

    - The issue of compensation to these companies for the loss of their marketing rights. Probably talking in the low billions here.

    - No reduction in the number of people smoking despite the plain packaging requiring further 'nanny' legislation.

    - Expansion of plain packaging to foods and other goods the Government feels the dumb pleb needs assistance to resist.

    Although the Government has picked a product that many people here will agree is fairly abhorrent, it is just another unending example of Government saying they know best and they can interfere in what and how people choose their services and products.

    My response to Government...f orf!
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