abbott performed well on 7.30, page-34

  1. 4,045 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Thanks for the link Billy, what a total disgrace the ABC is, complete Leftwing rubbish as usual. I can't believe any of you watch that nonsense. As for that woman being intelligent, well I trained my dog to poop outside, some would say he's intelligent too. I didn't watch the rubbish, I read the first thing she said and that was enough lefty biased vomit for me.

    "LEIGH SALES: You were pretty loose with the truth today, weren't you"

    Fairdinkum, when was the last time she or any other ABC "reporter" said anything like that to a Labor politician? Let alone start an interview off like that.

    "There will be no carbon tax under the government I lead".

    Now THAT'S loose with the truth, but has she ever said that to Gillard? Pffft!

    Sounded very very shrill from the first bile that spewed from her gob, I think she's upset that she may have to find employment elsewhere soon poor diddums. Of course that's Abbott's fault no doubt lol. I hope the Libs run a big broom right through that cesspit of leftwing loonies.

    I bet Abbott held his ground and wasn't too troubled by her schoolyard bully antics.

    The ABC needs a complete overhaul, I haven't watched it for years and I refuse to watch it until all the ALP Cheersquad cockroaches are eradicated and some balance is put in place.

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