NCM 0.00% $23.35 newcrest mining limited

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  1. 2,498 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 126
    SG, have increased my position at 25 and another 30% at 26

    This beast is going to go over 30 much sooner than anticipated.
    It looks really bullish now, new players are coming and there will be more push upward.

    When I look back which was not that long ago most people were so bearish and some parcel that I got was in the 20s

    Unfortunately it took balls to make a move and some are still waiting to get in.....simple but not easy.........

    Not a time to be a hero but moving along with the trend now is easier, Fed and ECB will keep market on the upside

    Sold my BHP and took nice profit only to re enter today and have increased my AWC by 30% yesterday.

    I like to think I would be out sometime in September.

    Stay safe and humble,

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Currently unlisted public company.

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