gina rinehart tells whingers: get out of the p

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    Nasty woman

    TREASURER Wayne Swan has led a chorus of attacks against Australia's richest person, Gina Rinehart, after the billionaire miner called on her critics to get out of the pub and work harder.
    The controversial mining magnate also attacks Australia's "class warfare" and insists it is billionaires such as herself who are doing more than anyone to help the poor by investing their money and creating jobs, The Australian reports.
    Mrs Rinehart also suggests the government should lower the minimum wage of $606.40 per week and cut taxes to stimulate employment.
    In her regular column in Australian Resources and Investment magazine, she warns that Australia risks heading down the same path as European economies ruined by "socialist" policies, high taxes and excessive regulation.
    "There is no monopoly on becoming a millionaire," writes Mrs Rinehart, who has built a $20 billion-plus mining empire since inheriting lucrative tenements from her father, Lang Hancock, in 1992.
    "If you're jealous of those with more money, don't just sit there and complain. Do something to make more money yourself - spend less time drinking or smoking and socialising, and more time working."
    But her strident comments provoked a barrage of criticism, led by the Acting Prime Minister who earlier this month used the music of Bruce Springsteen to attack the "massively wealthy'' to drown out the voices of ordinary people.
    Reigniting his feud with the miner, Mr Swan described Ms Rinehart's comments as an "insult to the millions of Australian workers who go to work and slog it out to feed the kids and pay the bills''.
    Mr Swan also took aim at Opposition leader Tony Abbott, questioning whether he agreed with Ms Rinehart - or was prepared to criticise her remarks.
    "The big question is whether Tony Abbott will endorse Gina Rineharts social policies as he has endorsed her tax, industrial relations and environmental policies,'' Mr Swan said.
    "Tony Abbott is Gina's knight in shining armour when it comes to fighting for tax cuts for her and Clive Palmer.''
    Mr Palmer, who had considered running as a Liberal National Party (LNP) candidate in Mr Swan's Brisbane seat of Lilley at the next election, disagreed with her comments.
    "Well, I spend a fair bit of time socialising, drinking and going to the football and things like that,'' he said in Brisbane.
    "That's her advice. If she doesn't want to do that she can make money all day.''
    Ms Rinehart questioned whether "lowering minimum wages and lowering taxes would make employers hire more people''.
    She said to many people this would be "common sense 101'' but warned that unless these "common sense'' measures were embraced, Australia risked replicating the problems of Greece and Spain.
    Her comments provoked a sharp response from the union movement with ACTU President Ged Kearney claiming her views were "stuck in the nineteenth century''.
    "Gina Rinehart's comments are the product of someone who has never had to earn a living and an insult to millions of working Australians who didn't have the head start of inheriting a fortune from their father and of being able to bully politicians by virtue of their inherited wealth,'' Ms Kearney said.
    "She has no respect for the values of fairness and equality on which Australia was built, and displays absolute contempt for the people who work for her.''
    "Her recipe would take Australia down the path of a nation divided between a super-wealthy elite and an underclass of working poor.''
    The Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) - which has been involved in a spat with Ms Rinehart over her plans to import foreign "guest'' workers - also took aim.
    Referring to her plans to import workers for the Roy Hill project, CFMEU national president Tony Maher said Ms Rinehart was doing her best to prevent other Australians from sharing the benefits of the mining boom.
    "At the same time as trying to import cheap foreign labour and avoid paying tax, Rinehart claims it's millionaires and billionaires who are the greatest for social good. What planet is she living on?'' Mr Maher said.
    Health Minister Tanya Plibersek also delivered a stinging rebuke saying Ms Rinehart is out of line attacking those on the lowest wages.
    "I think it's pretty easy for Gina Rinehart to say that people on the minimum wage should get paid less," she told the Seven network.
    "I think she should try living on the minimum wage."
    Australian Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon, told Seven she respected success but Ms Rinehart was not self-made.
    "She's accumulated wealth from her family."
    Senator Rhiannon said workers were out there creating the wealth.
    Ms Rinehart's attack was quickly picked up by social media and provoked plenty of responses, most of which take aim at her inherited wealth.
    Anita Jacoby tweeted: "Easy for Gina Rinehart to tell whingers to get out of the pub when you're reportedly making $1m every 30 mins."
    The BBG tweeted: "I hear Gina Rinehart suggesting minimum wages be reduced. $2 ,000 000 per day obviously isn't cutting it for her. "
    Read more of Rinehart's comments at The Australian

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