gillard's australia, page-23

  1. 2,889 Posts.
    Then we will see freedom of speech along with freedom of association, the right to withdraw your labor and freedom to collectively bargain disappear under the Coalition jack boots , it be guard dogs and cheap foriegn labor in balaclavas back on the wharfs and in other work places where people support each others rights.

    Well then the morons abusing this power screwed it up for everyone else then didn't they....

    Having worked in heavily unionised organisations... All I can say is the union working culture I saw was a disgrace full of bludgers and liars...

    Yes there are some good people there... And there where some hard workers... But in the main they all stick together and cover up for the problem makers... therefore they all deservedly get tarred with the same brush...

    Why you would stick up for the bludgers???? pffftt...

    The unions might think they have honourable intentions... The truth of the matter lies well away from that...

    Their tactics are often extreme and underhanded... Not to mention disgusting at times...
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