12million taxpayers with a 300 billion loan, page-3

  1. 24,388 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    kincella, you may need to revisit your figures as there are some very large errors.

    According to your claim of only 12 million tax payers, each tax pay will need to pay $31,212 tax this financial year to make up for just the budgeted government receipts for 2012-13.

    Just to give you a hint of how many actual tax payers there are in Australia, look at around double your 12 million claim and you will be a bit closer to being accurate.

    kincella, you did not check your facts on the interest rates either.

    Labor inherited high interest rates of around 15% from the LNP in 1984, (Treasurer John Howard had the record for the highest interest rates of around 20% in 1982-83).

    Under Labor the interest rates dropped from 15% to around 5% and was handed over to the LNP at around 7%, (half of what the LNP previously had).

    kincella, net debt is closer to around $135 billion, or around 36% of the governments 2012-13 annual income and the interest is around 0.4% of GDP.

    kincella, your NBN calculation is wrong and misleading. $36 billion cost /12 million tax payers = $3,000 ($3,000/8 year project life = $375 per year per tax payer).

    But the actual tax payers are around double your 12 million figure, so the actual cost per tax payer is less than $200 per year per tax payer for the NBN.

    kincella, so just to recap, your number of tax payers is out by around 100%, the interest rates were lowered by Labor from LNP highs, net debt is around 36% of the governments annual income, and the actual cost for the NBN per tax payer is less than $200 per year.

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