clint eastwood currently on sbs, page-27

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    have to laugh -

    the WHOLE movie TV art and literary field, both in Australia, and internationally, generally, is wall to wall
    Leftist" and "Heavily Leftist" - most of them hugely fabulously wealthy, or well on the way to being do - and why? Financial expedience. And youthfully "trendy". Mostly because they get Leftist government handouts to be able to sit drinking the best coffee, gazing for inspiration out of well polished windows sucking the end of an expensive pen or paintbrush, or rushing to sign up their next movie contract (production funds mostly emanating from Labor Governments in Australia ad nauseum) - so, here or in the US or UK - NOT ONE PEEP from outraged Leftists about any of these taxpayer funded subsidy prop -ups - huge fundings going to the well heeled many of whom have never had to hold down a real job in the lives!! Of course they vote Left! It pays to!

    The ones who always get prizes in the Archibald and win all the literary awards - the movie stars who always appear with the placards and the hippies - do so because it looks good - it's fashionable - and helps secure their own incomes. Looking conservative is not "cool."

    So along comes that old "botty burp" Eastwood - heaven help us - he's RICH - AND Republican. Now we all know he's got half a brain - because he starred in good (not great) and classily memorable movies - and he can play a mean jazz piano as well as, or better, that many! A feat of intellectual gymnastics only a few can ever attain. He's sharp as a tack - "our" Clint. But he committed the sin of expressing his own political opinion - and did a brilliant job that night!

    But the Leftie sneerers - here and in the US and in the UK and in the forelock tugging Aussie Lefty press - and on here - can't hack that! What! He's OLD? And so must then be idiot, and senile? Not entitled to any opinion - unless it concurs with theirs?

    His piece - talking to "chair' Obama - was the epitome of sharp and succint wit - and ultra original. And some even dared laugh - think it very funny - not sneery, nasty, and vitriolic - (As is the Leftist preference) - just plain clever and original!

    But no - Eastwood's committed the huge sin most of us either have committed already - or will eventually - he got "old!" - and it therefore follows, he must then automatically be STUPID as well! Yep - lost his marbles they sneer, churlish lips curled.

    I'm giving myself a Gillard free zone for a while - because, to my mind, I'd fed up of writing/mentioning her name - which IMO should not be in up in lights - held up to respect and Leftist inspired "adoration" - NO - it should be in lights, sure - but in the flashing neon bright flashing variety -
    "Buyer Beware!" (Or is that "Believer Beware"?

    I've decided to spend less time trying to rebutt and repel her venomous style and her alleged lies - but I'll be around. She's just not worth the angst - because soon she'll be gone. well, if justice has it's day - and of course, that propect cannot be taken for granted - our investigative and legal systems being as they currently are - seemingly an incompetent and allegdly politically biased shambles!

    Yes - she'll be yesterday's fish and chip paper. And that day can't come too soon! Not long to go. A lot of us pray.

    So "Make My Day" Ms. Gillard - when you do go, wherever you end up, when all this is over, (and I have a few suggestions as to where that might be - or more to the point SHOULD BE - which won't go down well on here at all so can't say!) please make it somewhere remote - where we never have to see you - or hear you - ever again. (We'll have your portrait in Parliament "Honor Row" to remind us - perhaps Pickering could be commissioned to paint it?)

    Now I know a lovely remote island you would just love as a retirement haven ...... you and Tim - (Yes - there's a nice spot just out from San Franciso - but it's not Alcatraz I'm recommending - too crowded and public and no private holiday villas to be had and some not so nice neighbours-) or the Galapolos Islands - lots of Iguanas there nasty crawly things - but perhaps a little place right out beyond Bora Bora. You get there by slow boat - a slow moving coastal cargo ship. In fact, Marlon Brando owned it. Or used to. Anyone remember him. Wonder whether Brando was de rigeur raging Leftist too? Probably.

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