bought house , need hedge, page-16

  1. 873 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Better clarify a couple of things-
    We've bought the house in joint names but havent got the finance organised yet. It settles in 25 days. Does the loan need to be in joint names if the contract is in both? I figured that if one partner doesn't contribute much to the servicablity there should be no need for them to be included in the loan, even if they also own the house.

    Secondly, I dont know that one could call it fraud to protect your assets in case of a downturn. Does it become fraud just by thinking its likely to happen as opposed to the next guy who thinks property goes up forever?

    I dont see a lot of difference between buying a business and hoping for the best but limiting your liability in case of the worst. Same with a house (which is even more of a necessity) Isn't it up to the lender to manage this risk by charging the appropriate interest rate and forcing LMI on the borrower?

    Many wealthy people hold assets in trusts so that if they get sued they dont lose everything. If they've wronged someone enough to get sued, shouldn't the claimant be entitled to fair compensation?

    Many ethical considerations here!
    Trust me, I would be happy renting, but if anyone knows what wives can be like when they become sick of renting and wants to buy a house no matter what, they will understand my situation.
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