eric/anna/dianne/cardikel, page-17

  1. 374 Posts.
    Again snooker, I'm afraid I must take you to task. I said before that my posts were genuine and they were. You chose to disbelieve me as you disbelieve and heap with invective many who make genuine posts contrary to your views.

    I don't need to justify myself to you and I'm sure you will continue to disbelieve however, for what it's worth, all that about my grandmother was true. I made that point to demonstrate my semitic background. Foolish really, because rather than labelling me anti-semite you immediately labelled me a "self hating Jew". You're great at giving people labels and then dismissing what they have to say. I suppose it makes it easier for you.

    It seems to me you have trouble with those of Jewish origin (note I say origin as I am an atheist) who take issue with the Israeli approach. After our initial joust I have refrained from further discussion with you because, frankly, your blind hatred for all of islam and for all who would criticise Israel upset me. You have chosen to adopt the burden of thousands of years of Jewish persecution. Your reaction is anger and hate. I suppose only understandable. The German experience in WWII on the other hand taught me that we are all capable of the most horrific behaviour. There is no limit to man's inhumanity to man. The moment you start to dehumanise the other person you can justify anything, rape, torture, death. When we give away the rule of law to assassinate or imprison, when we flout international conventions made in good faith the line between opressor and opressed becomes blurred, we're on the slippery slide to Nazi Germany or Rwanda or Kosovo or what have you.... I don't want any part of that. That goes for Islamic radicals as well as for Jewish ones.

    If you and the Israelis can't understand that the only hope is for a political solution then no amount of discussion from me or anyone else will dissuade you from that.

    Well, I didn't really want to revisit all that stuff but I want to be sure you really understand where I'm coming from. You can respond or not as you see fit but I will be making no further posts in this thread.

    On a lighter note, it was interesting to see the reactions to my self outing. Carls has reverted to his rabid commies-under-the-bed self. I'm afraid he now has been relegated with the loonies like rabbitoh, mojo, jimjj etc. Llew was a bit miffed but I sense a spirit of detente. Cerhob you old devil was one of the few to have me pegged early on...good on you!
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