alan jones just doesn't get it!, page-58

  1. 2,197 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 53
    Sussex Street cheer squad still banging on...get a grip on reality!!!

    How about focusing on the real issues impacting on people's lives instead of banging on about some sub prime boggans father (No disrespect to him).

    Here's a start "West is paying price in lost jobs"

    And then here's another "Political advisers schooled in art of spinning"

    A SECRET list of the Gillard government's ministerial staff reveals numerous chiefs of staff and senior policy advisers have little professional experience in their portfolio areas and that many of them previously worked in political roles or as media advisers.

    You bang on to create a diversion in order to distract attention from the total incompetence of this failed excuse for a Government.

    Tick Tock...Tick Tock...

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