abbott spousal support, page-11

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    "Nor has Labor provided a plausible answer for why it removed Kevin Rudd and replaced him Julia Gillard."

    It must be completely obvious to even the most obtuse and dimwitted of observers why the union-bosses dumped Kevin Rudd and replaced him with his treacherous and untrustworthy deputy Gillard in an unprecedented dead-of-night, socialist-jackboot-on-the-neck, political assassination...

    My understanding of events goes something like this...

    The shadowy backroom union boss controllers who own and control the labor party were clearly panicked into a bed-wetting,sleepless-nights,cold-sweats type panic by the prospect of their failed, incompetent, potty-mouthed, tantrum-throwing appointed-PM facing successful and loving famliy-man and the defining figure in Australian politics in Tony Abbott at the election of the time...

    Also Rudd was too hard for the union bosses to control since he was independently wealthy due to the fabulous wealth of his wife and maybe just didnt have that many shady, highly embarrassing and possibly even illegal skeletons in his closet that the union bosses could use to maintain 100% immediate control over Rudd...

    Enter Rudd's treacherous, untrustworthy and power-hungry deputy Gillard who seems to have been scheming and conniving, plotting and planning for some time behind the scenes to usurp her boss Rudd in an effective coup-detat with union-boss/low-scoundrel backing and seems to fit the bill in terms of skeletons in the closet...

    The rest is tragic and disgraceful history unfortunately for all Australians...

    Personally I think that Gillard's family status has not damaged her so much with the understanding, forgiving and largely accepting Australian public as her serial lying, deception, stonewalling, overall wasteful incompetence and absolute unsuitability for the PM slot...

    What do you think?

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