GMX 0.00% 22.5¢ goldminex resources limited

hello downside if you are around, page-24

  1. 34,916 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 480
    Right so the pros didn't make money on this occassion as you stated. They're just not as bad off as they would have been if they didn't sell. However in the case of Taylor's their clients been holding onto stock since April only to sell out 6 months later at a loss. Very professional indeed.

    Clearly Tinpage sold out on the opportunity, there's 4mill right there. Taylor friends have sold out in desperation on what was a bad trade (clearly they're not interested in the fundamental is the case with many sophisticated placements). So the rest, comprising of trader's brokers like Commsec, E-Trade, CMC were responsible for a majority of the volume where a high percentage of the buy volume was also sell volume indicating, yep what we said all along, TRADERS.

    The 'pros' as you like to call them are often very unprofessional, I wouldn't trust their calls on speculative stocks if my life depended on it.

    Sorry to hear you won't be responding. I'll roll up the red carpet and put it back in the shed.
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