mrrt, page-29

  1. 7,590 Posts.
    bundyau said:

    Surely we are not stupid enough to come into these sort of deals ??

    Who you calling stupid the ex-Liberals, ex-Labor or the ex- Nationals?

    Downer Huwaei: Information Control (Chinese State Controlled)

    Hawke Shanghai Zhongfu: Food and Water Control (Chinese State Controlled)

    Vaile Tianwei: Solar Panel Control (Chinese State Controlled)

    As long as the Communist elites kids don't get hurt or spoiled too much everything should be ok right?

    In China, a Ferrari Crashes and the Party Is Dented

    HONG KONG — When the chief of staff to President Hu Jintao was moved to a lesser position last week, it sounded like so much inside baseball, a ho-hum reshuffling of personnel as the Chinese Communist Party prepares for a leadership change this autumn.

    Political analysts said the move did not bode well for Mr. Hu, and it will now be nearly impossible for him to place the aide, Ling Jihua, on the Politburo Standing Committee, the nine-member holy of holies that makes the Big Decisions in China. Mr. Ling might even lose out on joining the party’s 25-member Politburo.

    But the subtext to his demotion is much more nuanced, and it was illuminated by a story in the South China Morning Post on Monday that confirmed Mr. Ling’s son had been killed in a car crash in March.

    The car was a black Ferrari, and Ling Gu, the son, was said to be driving. Two young women with him in the car — “one naked, one semi-naked,” the story said — were seriously injured. The story said one woman was a Uighur, the other a Tibetan.

    the “with tibetan and uighur in ferrari” part of story sounds contrived to do maximum reputational damage. call me skeptical on that detail

    — Bill Bishop (@niubi) September 3, 2012

    After the crash, The Morning Post said, citing an unnamed mainland official, “an elaborate scheme was painstakingly stitched together to hide the real identity of the tragic young man in the crash. The name that eventually appeared on the death certificate of the driver was a fake.”

    “People will ask how Ling Gu could have afforded a 5 million yuan luxury sports car in the first place,” the paper said, judging the Ferrari to be worth $788,000. “And it will only confirm the public belief that the children of senior officials have rich and decadent lifestyles beyond the wildest dreams of the people.”

    A Morning Post columnist, Wang Xiangwei, added that Mr. Ling’s “soft landing” in his new position has “apparently angered many party elders and officials, who raised sharp questions over the elaborate attempt to cover up the accident, including the forging of a death certificate, and about how a young man in his 20s could afford such a Ferrari.”

    The paper said the coverup was “reminiscent of the botched attempt to hide the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood.” The wife of the disgraced former party chief Bo Xilai was convicted of the Heywood murder last month and given a suspended death sentence.
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