abbott on the slide, page-56

  1. 60,248 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    "I was impressed with Tony Abbott's self control when confronted" LOL

    You call that self control? he looked like a stunned mullet LOL

    Oh and what about that speach about being open and accountable then walking off and not taking question?

    Fact is Abbott is avoiding interviews like a plauge, he know he can't think on his feet and get caught out easily so the best thing to do is avoid being put on the spot. Come an election campiagn he would not be able to do that.

    The writing is on the wall for Abbott, look at the Turnbulls reaction when questioned about him being more popular than abbott and the Liberal leadership and it was a polite brush off but the broad smile was say something else.

    During the recent ACT election campaign the liberal party brought in Turnbull for a fund raiser, Abbott was not invited and speculation was that they didn't want him there because of his low popularity.

    Abbott has nothing going for him, the is even a group "Any One But Abbott" who are look to put up a cantidate to unseat Abbott in his own electrate which would force the Lib to elect a new leader.

    TurnBull has every thing going for him, charming, inteligent, articulate while humble and a moderate, Turnbull appeals to mainstream voters and would be a shoe in.

    people are looking for change but the general concenus is that Abbott is not a creditable alternative.
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