astro-economic alert #9

  1. 263 Posts.
    Astro-Economic alert #9
    We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the American will be seen in hindsight that the zenith of America’s true prosperity occurred around the turn of the 20th century...

    The US horoscope faces some of the most difficult energy it has confronted since 1859 during the first 3 weeks of September 2005.

    Financial consequences could be:

    Market closures.
    Significant American casualties – abroad or at home
    Martial law in parts of the US.
    Geological anomalies – as the great state of Kalifornia slipping into the sea – consider INTC @ 0.04

    My suggestions to clients have been;

    Take physical possession of gold, silver, and platinum
    Move money out of the US now.
    Purchase high quality foreign real estate in outside the none dots places such as Montevideo, Sofia, Phu Quoc
    Purchase high quality real estate in the Midwestern US especially quality crop land with good water supplies.


    Astro-Economic Alert #9
    June 2005
    Rev 3

    Summary: The horoscope of the US is subject to significant inharmonious energy during the period 6 July 2005 through 26 October 2005, with a peak negative period occurring during the first three weeks of September. Additionally, these energies are confluent with an aspect of strong, unexpected change to the US’s financial structures. This aspect was last operative in 1907.

    1. Introduction
    The US has three significant, strongly transformative astrological aspects energizing its horoscope at this time.

    A. The USA is under the thralldom of a significant and negative astrological aspect whose influence began about 2 years ago and which will continue until about the end of 2006. The USA’s natal North Node/Mars/Neptune [NN/Ma/Nep] square is being reactivated by the planet Pluto – God of the underworld, death and regeneration - and hence, sexuality.

    Midpoints of previous 4 year activations of this Mars/Neptune complex by Pluto occurred in 1782, 1815, 1859, 1906, 1943, 1968, 1986 and will occur again in 2028.

    Panic of 1907:
    Attempted avoidance of the reoccurrence of this sudden liquidity squeeze eventually led Congress to establish the Federal Reserve in 1913. The US dollar has lost 95% of its purchasing power since the founding of the Fed – almost 35% under the ‘stewardship' of the current chairperson. Constant reflations since 1913 are compulsive harkenings back to now 100-year-old problems.

    "A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." Max Planck, father of quantum physics

    "A democratic government will ultimately always debase its currency to avoid its population suffering economic pain," Marc Faber,, 20 May 2005

    “The combat and instability would continue because its real source was the political contract struck between democracy and capital back in 1913, the implicit decision that democratic politics could not be trusted to act responsibly in the national interest. Therefore, the authority and responsibilities of elected politicians were permanently curtailed. Put another way, the elected government was allowed to be permanently irresponsible – free to indulge its own follies and protected from the accountability by the higher authority, the non-elected central bank. The creation of the Federal Reserve represented a great retreat from democratic possibilities. The maturing of self-government was forever stunted.”
    Pg. 534, Secrets of the Temple – How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country, William Greider, Simon and Schuster, 1987

    Cyclicity – 2 times every 360 years.

    The green and red lines represent the movement of the planets Saturn and Pluto through the heavens – the wide blue line represents the energetic complex of the North Node, Mars and Neptune in the USA’s natal horoscope.

    The intersection of the Saturn and Pluto lines in the second week of September represents the relatively rare – once in 100 years – confluence of Saturn energy to the US’s North Node at the same time Pluto is strongly influencing the NN/Mars/Nep complex.

    The two previous periods of strong Pluto energy to NN/Mars/Nep during this 4 year period are represented by the Pluto line intersecting or crossing the wide blue line.

    2. The veracity of astrology.
    Oh yes, about astrology – I don’t believe in it either – I just know it works so I use it. The results of the energies of these aspects by Pluto to the North Node/Mars/Neptune complex of the US’s horoscope are incontrovertible.

    Consider the geo-political events during the previous periods noted!
    The North Node in the US’s horoscope is a very sensitive point - when the slow moving planet Neptune came to the position of the NN/Mars/Nep in 1918-1919 the US experienced almost 700,000 deaths from the great influenza epidemic – many more than died from action in the Great War.

    3. Previous predictions

    A. During the first two intense periods 1/23/04 – 5/29/04 and 11/20/04 – 12/28/04, the US experienced record casualties in Iraq and the first and second battles of Falluja took place. Clearly, no attacks have taken place on American soil - this good fortune could end in September 2005. American blood will run in the streets – the only question is - which streets?

    B. Panic of 1907 energetic re-creation by Pluto-Uranus
    We are seeing the beginning of the end of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. The importance of this shift in the world’s consciousness cannot be overestimated. As it took 6 years from the Panic of 1907 until the founding of the Fed and the establishment of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, so too will it take some time for the deconstruction of this dollar hegemony.

    From: Gisela
    To: ckb7_2000 AT yahoo DOT com
    "I do not understand the market but I do understand that money is an illusion, something we have agreed to use as exchange for goods and services. My grandmother lost her fortune twice and in the end would only invest in gold. She also had a cache of miniature bottles of champagne under her bed. Another good investment."

    Gisela’s grandmother was German and lost all her money after WW I and WW II. After WW I it took a wheelbarrow of German marks to buy a loaf of bread.

    When the collective consciousness that supports the underlying exchange agreements shifts - economic changes can occur rapidly.

    “What you resist persists.” W. Erhard

    On 22 Feb 2005 a South Korean official said South Korea would begin diversifying its US Treasury bond holdings. Gold rocketed up $7 at the market open until its price was suppressed by central bank intervention - within a day South Korea denied it was going to cut back on US Treasury purchases. In the short months following it has become evident that foreign Treasury purchasers are cutting back.

    Simplistically, the US dollar has become the ‘old maid of the currency deck’ to quote James Grant – no one wants to be the last one holding it.

    “In many instances, Pluto-Uranus directions correlate to changes in life, vocational changes, to a sudden alteration in life conditions, or even to completely new perceptions and realizations.”..…“An entirely negative effect is also possible with this configuration, leading even to sickness and death….” Directions – Co-Determinants of Fate, Reinhold Ebertin, American Federation of Astrologers, 1986, pg 186

    Key words - the process of transformation, the collapse of the old order of things, the construction of the new, revolution, restlessness, creative energy, the fight for the establishment of innovations and reforms, impatience, fanaticism, one-sidedness, violence, precipitate action, the mania of destruction.

    Probable manifestations –attainment of great objectives by an immense application of effort, the bringing of new things into being, the creation of new conditions of living, acts of violence, subversive activities, putting the gun to someone’s head, the enforcement of decisions, an accident. The combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin, trans. Dr. Alfred Roosedale, Verlag Ebertin, 1940, from the section Uranus/Pluto.)

    The Uranus/Pluto aspect of February 2005 presages significant transformations in the financial structures of the US because they take place in the sector of the US’s horoscope having to do with personal wealth.

    4. Predictions for July through October 2005 in more detail.

    A. The US will once again experience death and destruction during the July thru October 2005 period, with a significant increase in negative energy in September. These aspects manifest concurrent with the infrequent [2 times every 360 years], strongly transformative, Uranus/Pluto aspect in the area of personal finance in the US’s horoscope. It is conceivable that Asians might be unwilling to finance expanded US military action in the Middle East especially where they have significant energy investments.

    B. The Book of Revelation inspired attack on Iran will not occur in June as predicted by Scott Ritter and Seymour Hersh – maybe September.

    4. A few things to think about:

    “The difference between fiction and the truth is fiction has to make sense.” Mark Twain

    A. M3 / ounces of gold = $2800.

    On to the future – a personal prediction:

    1. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the American empire.

    2. "Everything is extraordinary in America, the social condition of the inhabitants as well as the laws; but the soil upon which these institutions are founded is more extraordinary than all the rest. When the earth was given to men by the Creator, the earth was inexhaustible; but men were weak and ignorant, and when they had learned to take advantage of the treasures which it contained, they already covered its surface and were soon obliged to earn by the sword an asylum for repose and freedom. Just then North America was discovered, as if it had been kept in reserve by the Deity and had just risen from beneath the waters of the Deluge." Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

    3. Having squandered the material riches we inherited as God’s bounty, it will be seen in hindsight that the zenith of America’s true prosperity occurred around the turn of the 20th century. In many respects its demarcation to a debtor could be considered the founding of the Federal Reserve in 1913, a stylized, structured and seemingly official way to get something for nothing.

    Its karmic debts of empire finally settled by the middle of the 21st century, America will rejoin the rank of the 8 or 10 wealthiest nations at about the mid-point of the prosperity scale. Its capital will be Omaha.

    Like Afghanistan having been hijacked by the Taliban, so to have our free markets been hijacked by – well, let Dr. Bell explain it –

    Summary: The U.S. government is manipulating all major U.S. financial markets—stocks, treasuries, and currencies. This article shows how it is possible and how it is done, why it is done, who specifically is doing it, when they do it, and where they get the money to do it.

    ckb7_2000 AT yahoo DOT com

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