gillard: unsubstantiated and a smear campaign

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    Prime Minister Julia Gillard says a media report alleging $5000 was deposited into her account by former AWU employee is unsubstantiated and is a smear.

    Prime Minister Julia Gillard says a new report alleging she received $5000 at the request of her former boyfriend and Australian Workers Union (AWU) official Bruce Wilson is unsubstantiated and part of a "smear campaign".

    "This is smear," Ms Gillard told reporters.

    "Pure and simple."

    "There is not one substantiated allegation in today's Australian," the prime minister said.

    She said The Australian newspaper had spent "months and months and months in so-called investigative journalism" and in all those months had not produced one substantiated allegation.

    "There is a reason for that. I didn't do anything wrong," she said.

    "After all of those months and months and months of looking, there is not one substantiated allegation of wrong doing by me," she said.

    "This matter has been trawled over for the best part of 20 years, and at the end of it ... there is not one finding of wrongdoing by me.

    Ms Gillard said the article was smear.

    "I'm not going to dignify it by becoming involved in it," she said.

    She said in the past three days she had announced a Royal Commission into child abuse, met with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to discuss national security in the region and was now in Queensland looking at a major infrastructure project ahead of a community cabinet.

    "During these three days, what's the opposition being doing? Every day they have been out further pursuing these smears, every day they have been engaged in smears," she said.

    She said this was even after Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said he was not going to engage in endless smear and get on with the things that matter.

    "Well I say to the leader of the opposition with this smear day after day, is this really getting on with the things that matter?"

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