what happened to the broad church?, page-20

  1. 17,307 Posts.

    I guess reality and even understanding is somewhat non-existent in the zany and wacky "through the looking glass" world you seem to inhabit...

    "Relentless media campaign"?
    Would you class the investigative work done by Woodward and Bernstein as a "relentless media campaign" or more correctly as investigative journalism in the face of constant stonewalling and refusal to answer basic questions except in carefull staged and obviously arranged "media events" where no serious questions are asked and no serious answers given?

    "Gillard has a responsibility to respect proper processes by rejecting absolutely such trial by media."

    This is not "trial by media" just some journalists and investigators doing the job that is expected and demanded from them for a democracy to work...
    Shamefully some journalists have been intimidated or seem to think that their job is to assist in the what seems to be a cover-up...

    That Gillard seems to have time and time again attempted to and even partially succeeded at on occasion in stifling, intimidating and suppressing the work of these valiant defenders of out democracy is a disgrace that in a sane world Gillard would need to be called to account for...

    And do you also believe Gillard has a "responsibility to respect proper processes" by answering fully and truthfully the questions put to her during question time and if so how do you explain her constant and ongoing evasions and stonewalling?

    "the misogynistic witch hunters are baying for Gillard's blood and will apparently continue to do so throughout her life in politics."

    Are you completely insane?
    Please identify clearly exactly who these "the misogynistic witch hunters" are...

    The questions need to be answered clearly, fully and truthfully by Gillard...
    Not the media as you assert...

    There are elements of the media that do have serious questions to answer about the convenient and cooperative "blind-eye" many seem to have turned as the Gillard-gate exposee gained traction with more documents released and witnesses coming forward...

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