AEB 0.00% $2.57 affinity energy and health limited

News: AlgaeTec showcase facility visit from The H, page-17

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2852
    re: News: AlgaeTec showcase facility visit fr... Hello sdajl, thanks for the lengthy reply. While your views on climate change unearth nothing new for me, (Ive read a lot on the topic and believe selective statistic reading can show just about anything on anything) I respect your right to have a contra position to most here.

    The question is what if you and the man made climate change denialists are wrong? I think its clear that man made climate change is happening and the rate of change you mention has happened before previously took thousands of years. We are bumping the temperature and sea levels up in meer decades.

    But this is not the forum for this debate, there is the Greene forum where Butcherboy will engage you in a barrage of peer reviewed evidence to change your mind. Or Science and medicine.

    This is a forum for individual stocks in this case Algae Tec.

    I agree with one point, clearer costings are needed to prove the AEB model is viable and profitable. That is what the current testing is all about.

    There are only a few things going on in the container. Light is going in, CO2 is going in, a starter culture is going in and nutrient is going in.
    Being used is nutrient and CO2, being produced is Algae.

    Its basic business, cost of production v cost of sales. Sdajl is correct not much can be calculated decisively until these results come out because a lot more than the CO2 uptake can be read from them. But you should appreciate that too Sdajl, you seem to have a good understanding of science albeit with differing opinions on some points.

    AEBs model needs to be economic IMO regardless of climate change and the need for CO2 abatement. I believe this will be shown to be the case.

    Its much more like a brewery than a chemical plant. There is a large organic component. Chances are we won't be producing at 100% optimal rates from the first trials. Like any other garden the formulas will have to be tweaked. But I have a feeling we can and will achieve growth rates (oil production levels) higher than originally forecast. Regardless the original forecast figures will have us well in the money from what I can see.

    But I too will be interested to see a more decisive and updated economic flow sheet. This is your best point Sdajl but you must understand you are asking for results before the results are released. The best costings we have currently are on the company website and in their announcements.

    Asking why don't the military just make the fuel themselves is just silly. We live in a world that specializes. The military don't make their own guns, radar systems etc. It would be far too costly and they don't have the expertise. Same with fuel however that is sourced. They could grow their own sugar cane and make doesn't happen. We live in a world that specializes.

    But if the military wanted a fiscal stake in the production they could just partner with us like all the others...

    The tech can be imitated that for sure. But we are well ahead of the mob even though we will have imitators nipping at our heels in the next few years.

    I will say if anyone here thinks this is going to be a bigger company than Shell you are dreaming.
    The company themselves will tell you that. We are not trying to take over from Big Oil, just to get a cut of the action.

    There will be competition simply because the algae fuel model is so strong there will be several ways to do it that make money.
    But in algae we are probably the most advanced most economic model in the world currently IMO. If we can stay ahead of the pack and even corner 1 percent of the world liquid fuel market this stock will be a multi bagger. It would be nice if we could get a bit more than that but anything from there upwards would probably see us taken over. Even our directors would have a price, you can't take it with you as they say. But it a multi trillion dollar industry there are serious profits for those who can get a stake.

    Horse before the cart though, first we have to prove we can do it. from what I have seen and what I have heard its looking very promising.
    Its a very clever solution our scientists have come up with to exploit the algae plant but this is not insurmountable to understand. The reason this is so viable IMO is the strange and lovely biology of the algae. Being 50 percent oil made this much easier,and its only the fact that traditional oil has been so cheap that this sort of tech was not developed decades ago IMO.

    All cudos to the guys though, they have the best system on the planet IMO to grow commercial quantities of fuel algae. In the next few weeks we will see the results.

    The market may be factoring in positive results, though I doubt fully because there is always risk in any project. And the market cannot foresee the flow on effects or following announcements from players waiting on these initial results as they line up to sign on the dotted line...

    : ) Tretch

    p.s the point being thrown about on the U.S share price prediction seeming to be projected to be ten times that of the Aussie. Ive not looked but I do know they bundle shares on many U.S markets often into packages of ten. This may be the case here? Hope that helps, it may be the answer?
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