devastating affect of electricity price rises, page-52

  1. 5,815 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 372
    Why are we surprised.

    The industry overspent on infrastructure with its attendant debt while at the same time encouraging punters to move to alternatives. The result was a lot less consumers paying the bills

    so cut the subsidies and raise the kilowatt rate and more money flows into the coffers. Carbon tax is a part of it but its not the whole story - the story you probably wont hear about from our controlled media.

    btw talking to a mate on the phone who recently returned after a short stint in south australia. Asked him why he chucked in his job with this particular coal seam company. He was asked to dodgy up a report or something to that effect and he refused so it was out the door. look forward to hear the full story when i catch up
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