greece at the brink of civil war, page-9

  1. 11,213 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Heart-breaking, especially when much of the fault lies with Goldman Slags and the political/bureaucratic machine around the time of their entry into the EU on deceptive finance arrangements.

    As usual the plebs get to pay for the actions of the banksters involved in the scandalous behaviour in the first place. The end result is a nightmare - imagine being about to give birth and not even being able to get any medical supervision or care, let alone wondering how to survive with a new baby in the middle of winter without a roof over your head or a cent to call your own. Greece has been reduced to the level of a third world country; corrupt leaders included.

    The cause of this level of suffering lies at the bottom of this quote from the article:

    "“Collective trauma” is how Pieper described the society whose bottom had been pulled out from under it. “Men are particularly hard hit by the crisis,” Pieper said, as their pay had been decimated, or their jobs eliminated. They’re seething with anger at the utterly corrupt system and a kleptocratic government that have done so much damage to the country; and they’re furious at the international bailout politics whose money only benefits big banks, not the people."

    The financial collapse world-wide was made to measure bringing first world countries to the same level as the third world.

    Certainly breaks a person forced to survive in the aftermath.

    Clinton, Summer and Co. dismantled the protection from predatory banksters which had been instituted following the Great Depression with the Glass Steagall Act of 1933. As a result the causes which lie behind the current disaster mimic those behind the 30's depression, however in many ways this is o a worse trajectory due to globalization, thus the domino effect.

    Spain too is suffering greatly with an unemployment rate above that of the US during the Great Depression. Five hundred families per day are being booted out of their homes, and just prior to Christmas at the coldest time of the year, so that the banksters get paid.

    The latest Spanish austerity measure is to sell public housing, so even those residents are being booted out on the streets now - the elderly, single mothers...The government is mooving on to privatize public housing aka flog it off, even though there are supposedly no buyers...guess the bankers will be the new owners, buying for cents in the dollar.
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