chemtrail today in victoria, page-113

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    "So you can TELL it's the same atmospheric conditions just by looking at the sky?"

    obviously nothing is ever exactly the same, but at on practical relative basis, you can "TELL" -

    especially when the chemtrails are at the same level as the clouds
    do you need to be spoonfed?
    probably, since most humans are addicted to milk (and associated products) that are intended for young cattle.

    this kind of response is typical of folk trying hard to maintain their blinkers

    reading a post, looking for what they perceive (or wish) is the weakest link and using it to

    take a jab, in a vain attempt to fool themselves that their belief is vindicated

    i can sympathise with folk that do this
    it can be a hard pill to swallow, the thought that someone with more worldly power than you,

    that has an impact upon your existence, has the equivalent regard for your well-being as they do

    in seeing a blob of flem on the footpath.

    subsequently, i only post on this forum occasionally it's hard work preaching those converted to

    even jesus had a hard time getting through his disciples "thick heads" and they all lost faith

    when his body was crucified
    whether or not this person actually existed is not the point, the moral of the story can be seen

    in many other incidences closer to home

    there is still many that believe that these trails are contrails, usually on the basis of

    'parrot fashon', or significant willful self deception.

    someone waltzes on to this forum and makes idiotic commemts
    displaying their stupidy for all to see
    but this comment takes the cake:

    "I hope those who do believe in contrails, begin to challenge their own selves and seek help."
    folk that write such things obviously haven't spent much time challenging themselves
    which is pretty much normal
    similarly, i'm sure that many would have lied to themselves as they were boarding the train to auschwitz

    if you don't think that this is a relative height of stupidity, reflect upon it for sometime and the penny may drop (emphasis on the words "believe in contrails" and "seek help")
    folk are going to desperate lengths to delude themselves
    itching ears and sycophants go hand in hand

    it's potentially disturbing if you consider that all your wealth and investment is subject to foolishness and inevitable destruction one way or another

    this poster has a red heart next to their moniker
    which is noting unusual - the masses, generally speaking, are naturally prone to idolising foolishness

    keep on establishing connections to google analytics, youtube twitter etc, like a dog addicted to eating other dogs vomit.

    there are none so blind as those that will not see (emphasis on the word "will")
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