conspiracy theories - what is your score?, page-45

  1. 2,965 Posts.

    - 9/11 - the US govt was involved
    (criminal elements of the government, they start wars and kill millions for $ and payoffs, you think they care about 3,000 people?)
    - FEMA Concentration Camps and Government planned martial law
    (army documents have already been released confirming this: the new terrorist is libertarians, gun owners, returning vets and constitutionalists. The war on terror was never about Al CIAda)

    - Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy
    (100% patsy, the shot war near on impossible let alon JFK's head going back as if shot from the front.)

    - US Gun control talk is the govt's attempt to disarm the people for fear of an uprising against martial law
    (Just look up Eric Holder talking about how they would use the media to brainwash people to be scared of guns, this is from 1995 anyone can look it up. Also it got leaked that Operation Fast and Furious the feds were shipping guns to mexican drugs cartels and were going to use it to blame teh second ammendment. They got caught, anyone not aware of this is not watching the right media.)

    - A NWO - the Elite are plotting to take control of the world
    (They openly brag about it, write books about it....)

    - Jews control the world, but Elites control the Jews - Jesuits involved too
    (Hard to say who is at the top but the British empire and the Rothschild's are either the top or next to, after all they control the money. Not hard to buy up the world and dominate it when you get money for free. Zionism is strong but is a sub level.)

    - CCTV and Drones are not to do with protecting us from crime - they just a Govt spy plot
    (Drones for our safety? Are you freaking kidding me. If you want safety go to a prison, don't turn society into one. It's the morality and education of people that will stop crime. Read George Orwell 1984 for more info on this one)

    - The Nazi Holocaust numbers were heavily inflated and there were never any gas chambers
    (Massively inflated and used for political purposes, tradgic non the less)

    - CIA behind many of the mass gun murders in the US
    (True, just look at Operation Fast and Furious.)

    - Chemtrails are a plot to reduce the population
    (the 'idea' of chemtrails is now going mainstream with even the daily mail or telegraph doing an article about spraying metal particulants into the sky for geo engineering purposes.)

    - Fluoride in the water is a conspiracy to cull the population
    (the government is screwing every area of our lives, yet they care about our teeth? Fluoride was first put into the water supply by the nazis in prison camps, the fluoride is a mining waste byproduct we pay to have put in our water, Harvard confirmed it dumbs you down by 20 IQ points, it calcifies your pineal and thyroid glands.)

    - The moon landing was a hoax
    (95% likely they went to the moon (IMO), but some footage was confirmed fake as they didn't film one guy walking on the moon in one of the missions so faked one back on earth. Even Neil DeGrass Tyson spoke of this on the Joe Rogan podcast last week)

    - Natural medicines are more effective than many mainstream Cancer Drugs, which are just a big Pharma rort
    (proof is in the pudding, ever see the elite (queen, rockefellers or rothschild) types die young of cancer? They all live to over 90 in good health. Big Pharma is a massive money making machine and one of the biggest killers in the world.)

    - Martin Bryant didn't do it
    (he as a patsy setup to bring in gun laws, will give $1000 to anyone who can give me one bit of evidence on Bryant)

    - Harold Holt didn't drown
    (probably drowned)

    What about adding in WMDs in Iraq?
    They knew exactly where they were right?
    We just must invade.

    Not all conspiracies are true and many are made up to try discredit people who question the official version of events.

    Look at the facts, make up your own mind.
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