is my husband an alcoholic?, page-4

  1. 60,248 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    Mazwegian, you are only considered an alcoholic if you drink more than your doctor.

    It's well known that two glasses of red wine is good for you, I have a bit more just to be sure.

    On a serious note, yes your husband drinks more than is recomended but I would not think it is hugely exsessive and he is not drinking spirts which are far more damaging

    My dad was a very much an alcoholic drinking beer and wine day and night to the point he was just about constantly drunk. Some 30 years ago doctors told him if he didn't stop drinking he would die. Years latter he would joke that he was still tring and he out lived 3 of his doctors.

    Dad was hospitilised a number of times with liver problems as a result of drinking, the liver is one of the few organs that can rejuvinate it's self.

    About 3 years ago dad was dignosed with liver cancer and without treatment he was not to last 6 months, he refused treatment aceepting that he had reached a reasonable age and treatment may not be pleasent or be effective. He passed away on new years day this year aged 80.

    Regardless of how you take that keep in mind that my dad was drinking a hell of a lot more than you husband is.

    Now given that your husband dosen't drink huge amounts but just a bit more than what he should may be your worry a bit to much but of course I understand where you come from.

    Your husband can get a liver functon test done which is just giving a blood sample if that will help aleviate your concerns.

    One last point I probaly drink red wine about the same as your husband, telling me it I may die will not change that. None of us will live forever.

    Don't for get that the liver can reguvinate it's self, sypmtom would show long before it's fatal. BTW liver cancer is caused by cerosis of the liver rather that drinking.
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