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i wish to share an email i received today

  1. 2,213 Posts.
    This may look like grandstanding, attention seeking but quite frankly I dont really care what other people think. My only intention is to give peple a heads up that it may save even one person some pain.

    The email is from a friend who is very entrenched in the finance industry in the US. He is also without doubt one of the most accurate and astute invetors I have ever known. And also one of the most humble. His timeline for the commencement of this is June.

    Fire away "trentracker" and "boiler", I'm used to it.

    "The banking world (including the global CBs and the BIS) is in a death spiral.
    The undertow of the financial world is the devaluation of currencies and by
    default the capital markets.As mentioned a strong rise in interest rates will
    be the start of the financial cogs of starting to cease up.
    The interim in the time of spiking interest rates will be like the tide withdrawing
    before the financial tsunami going to befall the world.
    Within that time window overextended banks will be trying to sell their collateral (second tier and third tier) into the market,where there will be no buyers.
    They will try to cash the derivatives on their assets from other bankrupt banks
    with no success.This will be the Lehman saga 1000fold.
    That could imply a bank and exchange holiday with the consequential chaos in the remaining commercial trade.At the moment most Western banks are operating with 0% fractional capital reserves and floating with Hail Mary's
    from their respective governments.
    To answer your question where this fictitious wall of liquidity is coming from,CBs
    are allowing the banks to hold corporate debt and shares of senior corporations as collateral instead of sovereign AAA debt.This is reflected by the rising stock markets worldwide and ever lower interest rates of corporate junk bonds. This upward spiral will end cyclically around the month of May/June. It will have completed a multi year right shoulder in the markets.
    Just have your ducks in a row and to be able to sustain yourself in the coming downturn and not to have assets in the bank but in your possession without liens"
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