zionists are political terrorists.., page-20

  1. 364 Posts.

    I dont think mitsoss is aware the first civil residents in Palestine were the Phillistines that migrated from ancient Crete & Cyprus that carried the same culture as the ancient Greeks.. Disagree ?

    Gaweb, I dont care if the first civil residents in Palestine migrated from Crete, Cyprus or Greece. I dont care if they and I were blood, if they are in error, then I will say so, and I do say so. The truth of the matter, as I see it at least, is that thePalestinians want to destroy Israel, lock stock and barrel. Countless number of arabs with goodness knows how much land, want that tiny spec called israel ( or its people at least ) destroyed. If the Jews had no more than 10 square metres, that would be too much for the arabs. Say what you like, but I believe that that is the truth.

    The majority of Jews would be more than willing to live in peace with the palestinians, but the majority of palestinians want Israel destroyed. Israel is here to stay. Just accept it and get on with your life.

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