GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

it's going down the toilet, page-78

  1. 3,971 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 185
    Hi Biggles and all,

    I see you are enjoying your few days in the sun as much as I am here in the Whitsunday Islands this week, fishing’s great!

    Nice to see you spruiking about your financial prowess and just how well you are doing; maybe one day your confidence in always being right will one day let you join me in the wonderful life of travel and retirement, I really do recommend it to all one day.

    However; I doubt I would feel so free and easy in retirement without my unshakable confidence in my decision to buy and hold physical Gold and to a lesser extent Silver.

    You do understand that the system you appear to embrace relies on the expectation that one day all outstanding loans will be repaid with interest back to the lenders. If Uncle Sam ever finds the money (the real way making it and not just printing it) to re-pay its $16.5 Trillion debt and also fund the many finical promises made to future retirees, unemployed, sick and injured and government secret un-employed benefits I for one will be astounded!

    By the way as you say you’re in the aviation industry have you been watching the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter debacle? Our ABC Four Corners covered it this week. Gee! if that is an example of the USA’s cutting edge technology I would sooner face a Russian or Chinese fighter in a Piper Cub than one of those death traps! ( "big, fat and draggy") Sounds like the US obesity problem is spreading to their industries!

    Also another clear example of idiot government officials such as Australian and Canadian being once again conned in shonky deals out of billions of dollars of tax payer’s money.

    The previous four corners program also showed a side of life in the USA you apparently fail to see with your rose coloured aviator goggles!

    Three unique stories, but all have one thing in common: they are America's new poor, who struggle for work but can barely survive.

    Filmmaker Philippe Levasseur takes his camera into car parks, trailer homes and motels across the country as middle class families try to regain the American dream. What he found is simply shocking.

    Well my friend all I can say to you and your ilk with your Full Faith and Credit system is good luck with it all.

    Me well I will continue to hold my Gold as future purchasing power protection and will enjoy life as best I can along the way, bit of light tackle game stuff today! I’m still on for drinks in the Hilton bar in September and no problem I will give Peter and Marc your regards later in the year when I see them in New Orleans.

    Cheers and very best regards: Andy
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