my withdrawal from comment

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    Seems free speech, Gillard style, consists of having to toe HER line.

    It's fast dying - she using financial weaponary threats to get her own way.

    Geert Wilders comes here, under a so-called democracy - and can only do so at risk of his life, under a five man strong ex-police bodyguard, his Visa to do so begrugded by Labor, stalled, and his trip having to be postponed until he was "Allowed".

    (His friend, back in Holland, also a heavy critical of radical Islam, was shot dead in front of his home, two weeks ago.)

    Yet some Islamlist speaker is due soon - and he had no Visa problems. He has no need of a bodyguard. He's coming to spruik his hatred of Jews, and Israel. Not a peep in protest from anyone over HIS visit.

    And so I'm finding it on here.

    MY views TOU'd by those I allege using them as weaponary.
    To Shut me up so to speak.

    Can't be bothered then, wasting my time - if I'm clobbered over the head by these Leftists via their spiteful TOU's - these Leftist posters, whom I and others proclaim and allege, are actually professional Party plants.

    Yes, Australia being purported to be a democracy is a mirage. we are all hoodwinked.

    Messengers, very much as is the case with whistleblowers too, end up the much maligned - the hated - the pursued.

    The messenger always shot - but never the message!

    Too tired. Too disillusioned. Can't be bothered keeping up the fight - this PATRIOTIC fight!

    Criticism, of any politician, is NOT personal attack! hey put themselves out there - purporting to be up to the jb of running their country. Like any company CEO - if they stuff it up - they should be criticised, and brought to account by shareholders - sacked!

    The current vicious threats by Gillard to virtually shut down the whole national Health Funding because people won't cave in to her bullying is nothing short of a national disgrace.

    The alleged THEFT by persons unknown of official Federal Court file documentation, from federal Court's official archival document storage, is nothing short of a national crime of Watergate proportions - yet nothing's been said!

    Except by so-called "shock-jocks" - the blokes who are the real heroes of our nation! Lost their jobs, and running on empty financially, they are the true heroes.

    SO here's handing the flag to others. For the time being? I am told that my views are NOT "decent." Infers that I'm not, either, then. MS. Gillard apparently IS - so I will withdraw from posting comment on this forum - leave it to the TOU leftists brigade. Always best to realise when one's view are no longer welcome.

    At least I can sleep well at night - knowing that, like the many great patriotic posters on here, I contributed - and tried!

    Not such a crime - is it? TO get very angry - when you see someone ruining one's own country - and smirking as they do so.
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