ten major u.s. disasters on significant dates, page-47

  1. 328 Posts.
    denny - ten major u.s. disasters on sig Just believe in an infinite universe ........ always existed and will always exist


    That's where you and I diverge.

    I can't accept that something was ....always there.....other than a god...or whatever name it is that you'd like to attribute to god....in your case....teddy.

    That invites the question as to where he came from......and thats where I agree that he was there always.....

    Thus I have no problem in accepting that he created the world....in fact ......everything.

    I can't contemplate as to where he came from...as that is simply not within the grasp of humans to ever understand.

    Try explaining the theory of relativity to an ant.

    And we aint even at the level of ants when it comes to god....in fact we aint at any level ...because if we were, we would be creating two finite points.

    Don't have anything to add, other than it's a question of belief.....in a higher being to whom one will one day be answerable.

    And that is the basis of "law".... which humanity has either accepted or had imposed upon it.

    Accountability....someone always has to be answerable to some power higher up.

    And god is at the top of an infinite pyramid.

    That's all I have to say.

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