sharia law in australia. , page-68

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    "ISLAMIC law and polygamous marriages will be denounced as forever unacceptable in Australia in a bipartisan parliamentary report that will define what multiculturalism means for our nation, and state there must be only "one law for all"."

    And how long will our government and courts resist a bit of concerted action to change that view? Going by past experience these sellouts will roll over for a tummy tickle in about five minutes.

    What is really required is a proper discussion of multicultural policy in Australia by the Australian people. This would be long overdue as both parties have managed to keep it off the agenda for so long. Talk about infantalizing the electorate. I doubt either party will do so voluntarily so it would have to be forced by a third party.

    A bit of background to the current policy

    with interesting references to intellectual critiques of multiculturalism. Opposition to multiculturalism is not restricted to rednecks as the PC infected like to imply.

    An interesting view of Al Grassby and how he nicked the idea of multiculturalism from the Canadians but misinterpreted it.

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