short term trading - week starting 4th march

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    Weekly Fundamental and Technical Analysis Prospects - Week Starting 4th Mar 2013 (No. 55)

    Here’s this week’s FA and TA List. The newer items first and those carried forward from last week towards back of list (some of the items from last week have a time horizon of more that one week).
    All listed market caps are undiluted (and do not include escrowed shares) (Note: Max time for any entry on list will be 4 weeks after which time it will be removed).

    Important Note: Remember just because it appears on the list does not necessarily mean it will rise in price... it may actually fall or do nothing. So it is critical that you perform detailed research on each stock first and make your own mind up to whether invest or not. I suggest you run a stop-loss at all times when trading/investing. How tight your stops are depends on your threshold to risk and financial pain. Lastly I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided as I do not have the time to research all the facts that have been provided. Best of Luck.!

    Weekly Fundamental Analysis Prospects

    PAB - Biotech/Health working on Myeloma Cancer treatments,

    Currently progressing second human trials for treatment of multiple myeloma after no side affects reported for first control group. Results of these trials are reported to be released as soon as possible in the January 14 announcement. Currently a 3 billion dollar industry per annum for treatment and PAB have developed a non-invasive screening of the disease and the current trials are testing effectiveness of their product. Definition of multiple myeloma is "Multiple (plasma cell) myeloma is cancer of the plasma cells in bone marrow. When a person has this disease, too many malignant (cancerous) plasma cells are made. This causes problems including bone disease, anaemia, kidney problems, reduced immunity and infections. There is no cure, but the condition can usually be managed successfully with treatment."
    Spotted by: Mroberts1969

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    STX - Shale Gas targets in the Cooper Basin,

    Strke’s Southern Cooper Basin Project is initially targeting the coal seam gas potential within permits PEL 94, PEL 95 and PEL 96. Strike estimates that approximately 75% of the 8.2 to 21.5 Tcf prospective resource in this area is associated with the coal. A significant upgrade to the prospective resource was made in 2012 after high gas content and thick coal was encountered in the Marsden 1 and Davenport 1 wells. The project is ideally positioned to supply the Eastern and Southern Australian gas markets with open-access pipelines passing through the permits." With a market cap around $60m it seems ridiculously cheap based on recent deals done in the Cooper Basin and my guess is now that BPT has sorted out its flagship assets they will be able to focus on their highly prospective JV assets with STX
    Spotted by: Strauss

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    NWE - Shale gas explorer in Perth Basin.,

    Expected to be presenting at an Oil and Gas expo next week, which could help to move the share price up to the 4.5c+ mark. If 4.5 breaks, moves into the 5, 5.5 and 6c ranges are strong possibilities. Add to this the recent Norwesterly newsletter being released. Peak returns from the three sections already tested. All results are preliminary: Kockatea: 400k (and there is some oil) - testing externally Caryginia: Initially, 350k, and likely to increase IRCM: 777k - From original test in June. Still to be followed up. Programmed to be tested in next 3 months. And a resource estimated is expected to be provided by the end of March.
    Spotted by: Ricdan1985

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    MZI - Mineral sands based in WA and Tiwi Islands,

    Keysbrook resource increased by 60% this morning, finance a moral to be announced in 2 or so weeks and off take agreements imminent.
    Spotted by: Wobblyboots

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    LSR - Copper Gold Explorer in Western Australia,

    Recently started drilling their 'Neds Creek' tenement with some highly prospective targets. I am specifically looking at Little-well target where they are drilling/drilled 10000m to test Mafic structure. Drilling to be finalised by end of March. We could get results much earlier as they are drilling 2 other targets in the same time.
    Spotted by: Nihilism

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    IDC - Gold in PNG,

    Bonanza Zone confirmed best results were:49 m at 22.3 g/t gold, 71 g/t silver from 63 m down hole 21 m at 13.6 g/t gold, 144 g/t silver, Incl. 7 m at 35.0 g/t gold, 83 g/t silver. Three bonanza zones identified at Mt Kare. These results underpin the robust nature of the Mt Kare project, said the CEO. IMO: The rumoured insto selling out appears to be running out of ammo, from watching the trading patterns over the past weeks the consistent selling into buyers whenever they appear is becoming more frantic (for lack of a better word)and shorter duration.
    Spotted by: MissBhaven

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    BOA - Nickel/Gold Exploration,

    Basically a mix between a nearology play targeting nickel and a gold explorer in its own right. BOA actually shares a fence line with SIR , , and more importantly the fence line I believe about 1km to the NE of the original Nova centre . Previous aerial tests in the BOA prospectus show the potential of Fraser range continues through the SIR deposit to the north and east . BOA being North east of SIR (Nova ), and from what I have previously read is arguably less than 500 metres from the latest drilling result SIR announced today BOA has a market cap of almost nothing compared to the massive price appreciation SIR has had since the original discovery of Nova . SIR today alone in one drill hole has added about 15 market caps of BOA .
    Spotted by: Firsova

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    BIT - Biotech sector . Australia . Trialling new type of drug.,

    AntiHCV/HIV drug BIT225 has successfully shown its action against HCV but faces stiff competition . However they have completed a trial to check the effect of the drug against HIV . Results are due in March .BIT225 is also active against HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. In late 2012, Biotron completed the clinical phase of its Phase 1b/2a clinical trial of BIT225 in HIV-infected patients who were anti-retroviral drug treatment naive. Laboratory analyses on samples collected from the patients are now in progress. Preliminary data from the trial are anticipated to be available during the first quarter of 2013. Previously reported preclinical efficacy data has indicated that BIT225 is able to inhibit replication of the HIV virus in monocyte lineage cells in which the virus has been able to 'hide' from current drug treatments.
    Spotted by: J8

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    LRS - Heavy metals in Peru,

    Just been sold down to 17c (maybe a broker had a long lunch ) after a rally to 25c a few weeks ago The company is developing a portfolio of projects in the globally recognised jurisdiction of Peru . Recent upgrade of their JORC on one of 3 projects shows a inferred resource of 1.46b tonne at 5.7% heavy metal. Massive 100+ mine life potential and a very low market cap , I am expecting news in March to see the stock attempt to close over 30c on expiry of 30c strike march 31 options. At 17c last trade gives me confidence LRS has 25% + upside in it to qualify for Freeholds hall of fame. On a TA side it has just closed the window the stock created when it ran to 25c earlier in the month and now look set to re test if not break that level on another wave of buying
    Spotted by: Firsova

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    KKO - Oil/Gas explorer in Southern Africa,

    Shallow drilling into soon to be 15,000 sq km (3.7 million acre) of gassy coal stuff. Flares all over.2 rigs coring.... 1 rig prepping test wells. South Africa hungry for local gas. Infrastructure nearby to get gas to market (2014 target) Reserve estimates should be a kicker soon’ish... if not the buying in anticipation. IPO'd at 20 cent... raised a few dollars at 18 cent 49% share of project with local crew... sovereign risky stuff seems OK
    Spotted by: BigShareshead

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    KDR - Potential for Copper, Gold and Rare Earth Elements,

    Drill results last year were highly encouraging. Drill program is 50 holes for 5000m RC and 3000m diamond drilling, designed to test 7 targets at HOB and 2 targets at Prospect D. ** In trading halt already after only 2 weeks from commencement of drilling, ann should be tomorrow or Friday, they have near $5m in the bank so focus will be on the results which were encouraging last time. A great and steady set of assay releases could be the perfect set up, look at their location also.
    Spotted by: TDA

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    GSZ - Lithium in Austria, Europe,

    Fully funded for at least 6-8 months and fully supported from cornerstone investors. First inferred lithium resource in the European union and looking to be the first producer. Inferred lithium resource of 18million tonnes soon to be defined into indicated category. This is a very large resource as far as lithium goes and at good grades. I’m not going to assume the price of this but lets just agree its a lot at current prices $7000-$9000 with BFS concluding soon. The company has a opex figure of $3400 per tonne to produce so you do the maths
    Spotted by: Bonkers89

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    BRU - Oil/Gas in WA Canning basin,

    BRU has shown some real solid strength after one of its farmin well turned out to be a duster on Monday (Cyrene 1 - KEY) in which it held a 37.5% share in. Recovered strongly the past 2 days and the afternoon rush showed that interest has flared. Expecting results form Yulleroo 4 well which will have a substantial impact on the prospective assets in the ground. This is a onshore Canning Basin play that I hold for a long term play, however with impending results this week I believe it will be well traded. BRU is a WA oil & gas play that has great fundamentals. It is well managed and supported by the government. Possible a prospective takeover target as it develops its resource
    Spotted by: Banoos

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    MNC - Copper in South America,

    A once high flying copper stock with very large advanced Copper projects in South America. We've seen a large turnaround in the Copper sector with lots of beaten down copper stocks regaining some of their former glory
    Spotted by: Strauss

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    VOR - West Australian based Oil Gas Shale stock,

    Three largest Shale ground holdings in the Canning Basin Due to spud another well Waugh 1 before May Sold off heavily today on a duster but looks like a great buy for a rebound from oversold as well as BESBS play on the Waugh 1 well 1.2c should be the bottom
    Spotted by: Strauss

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    QMN - Copper Explorer in Qld near Mt Isa Cloncurry and CDUs Rocklands,

    Recently rallied very hard on a good Copper drill intersection. Importantly this was the first of 4 Diamond Drill holes with the other 3 assays due any day too "ASX Code; QMN) is pleased to announce it has received assays from the first of four diamond drill holes Results of the final 3 diamond drill holes are expected over the coming weeks and these will further assist the Company in understanding the depth and strike potential of the high grade transitional mineralisation." What’s most interesting is that today’s Diamond Drill hole "GM12DD10" is one of 3 diamond drill holes located "along strike from GM12RC006 which previously intersected 72m at 2.4% Cu and 0.92g/t Au (including 16m at 6.5% Cu and 2.3 g/t Au) and was reported in October 2012." the other 2 diamond drill holes "GM12DD07 and especially GM12DD08" are both also located along strike from the Bonanza drill hit so just like ICG RXL AZS I expect QMN to be a multi day-week play and think that the follow up results will catch many off guard
    Spotted by: Strauss

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    DRK - A gold and Nickle Explorer In West Africa and Scandinavia.,

    Currently expecting results from their highly promising project in Sweden, The Granmuren prospect. "Drake Resources has demonstrated the presence of higher grade nickel-copper mineralisation at its Granmuren discovery in Sweden with peak assays of 1.14% nickel and 0.9% copper from a recent hole." "Surveys have yet to define the base of this system though the company expects the surface and downhole geophysics to be completed this month. Mineralisation at Granmuren is at potential open pit depths and at grades comparable to producing open pit nickel mines in Scandinavia. Scandinavian nickel mines have typical grades of between 0.25% and 1%. The prospect is also located near infrastructure including power, rail and port, in one of the lowest risk mining jurisdictions in the world, which enhances its potential to evolve into a low cost development opportunity."
    Spotted by: Bcsiles

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    CNO - Copper in Fiji,

    Contro have entered into a three stage agreement to acquire Dateline Resources, the owner of the Nukudamu Project in Fiji. Historical drilling at the Udu Copper mine returned high grade hits of 5m @ 15.04% Cu & 11.14% Zn from 17.8m and 4.6m @ 6.29% Cu & 8.42% Zn from 30.4m. Project contains a JORC Inferred Resource of 4.5 million tonnes at 1.2% Cu; 3.9% Zn; 29g/t Ag and 0.3g/t Au. Company has 3.55m cash in the bank as per the last quarterly and is currently trading in a range b/w 14-16c on low volume. Drilling of the first phase completed in December and the market has been awaiting results. Two months down the track one would expect an announcement within the next month.
    Spotted by: Motboy

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    SEH - Gas company in the Ordos Basin, China,

    Fully funded to production with a farm-in from MIE, a HK listed energy company. Mgt expect to have 2P reserves of 500BCF (net to SEH) of gas by 3Q 2013, which is huge. In March we can expect a reserve update, deep drilling on the 40% unexplored portion of its permits, and the start of fracc’ing with flow rates to follow. Test flows on historic wells averaged 640 mcf/d and decline rates are expected to be lower than shale due to this being tight sandstone. Commerciality is as low as 125 mcf/d using a $7.60 mcf price. Ordos Basin is the largest producing basin in China and has infrastructure in place already. China desperately needs alternatives to coal - have you seen the smog in the northern Chinese cities such as Beijing.
    Spotted by: Umizoomi

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    NRT - Pharmaceutical Indusrty ldual listed on ASX/Nasdaq.,

    Very volatile share price currently and trading at 25% discount to nasdaq price. Asx 30.5 nasdax 37 cents. Released results of a drug cs-6 which is highly active against ovarian cancer stem cells. Further results imminent and further positive result would be huge for the share price
    Spotted by: Malmoe

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    MOU - Coal in Mongolia,

    Has a JORC upgrade and mine reserve due as well as a mining permit all due in Feb so one more week for company to keep its word Has a history of spiking hard and seems to be getting accumulated around the 1.2c level, expecting a test of 1.6c then 2c on those bits of news
    Spotted by: Strauss

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    Weekly Technical Analysis Prospects

    GCN - Debit card business mostly based in Asia,

    P1 getting closer to listing, initial surge from .8c to 1.4c, has been given time to settle, stochastic now oversold, getting close to next surge.
    Spotted by: Wobblyboots

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    AQR - Exploration for Copper and Molybdenum in Queensland,

    Stock has recently rallied strongly on the past 2 weeks and has now in the process of retracing on reducing volume which is usually a sign that Sellers are becoming exhausted. Entry on a show of support with increase in volume or on break to a new short term high with volume confirmation.
    Spotted by: Freehold©

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    BRU - Oil/Gas in WA Canning basin,

    Some real support loading up over the past 2 days, with bids increasing almost 7 fold this afternoon alone. The resistance is set at around 2.50 - 2.56 where the 50% fib retrace and the 195 EMA linger. A good announcement to push through this will hopefully see it return to above 2.74
    Spotted by: Banoos

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    EWC - Utility: Production and sale of power, oil and natural gas,

    Inverted head and shoulder pattern (hope got that right) buyers outnumbering sellers in depth 2 to 1twix crossing heading toward bias line with upwards divergence from signal line Volume rising testing resistance
    Spotted by: Valen1828

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    BKY - Uranium explorer and developer in the
    Iberian peninsular. ,

    Long term breakout of 50c resistance, volume and OBV rising. gap to 80c lovely setup
    Spotted by: McKagan©

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    WLR - Oil/Gas in Brazil,

    Harpia Basin - Sergipu-Alagoas( Brazil )Onshore JV Partner/Operator - Gavea (Nord) WLR 40% Interest. New Director at the Helm MC 5 million and 390 million shares . Price .013c Just bounced off recent lows with little volume.
    Spotted by: Sunnyq

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    UNV - Coal in South Africa,

    Round bowl formation (my favourite) broken out yesterday. Short term target of 50c and then it will look to retest its highs at 75c.
    Spotted by: Nihilism

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    SXL - Commercial TV and radio stations in Aust,

    Reversal of trend, the share gapped through support at 1.3, which was then tested and held firm confirming strength in the upmove. The share maintained strong momentum on 22/02/13 surging through resistance at 1.435. The share has a very attractive P&F chart showing a positive breakout
    Spotted by: N6412297

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    SMR - Coal projects across Queensland's Surat and Bowen basins,

    Flurry of volume activity between December and January whilst the stock is unable to make new lows. With the selling pressure abated, the stock could be set for an upwards run imo. The proximal high on 20/02/13 broke the proximal high on 16/02/13 subsequently the stock did not reveal much weakness in a retracement. A confirmed break of the 0.25 resistance in the coming days/week would provide strong impetus for the up move. The stock shows an early break on the P&Fchart
    Spotted by: N6412297

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    MOD - Gold in NZ, Copper in Botswana,

    The sharp pickup in volume of Friday, with the subsequent price increase is showing the punters are expected good things to come in the near future for MOD......I am one of them
    Spotted by: Sck

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    Links to Previous Weeks Lists

    No.54: Short Term FA & TA Leads (25th Feb - 1st Mar) Click HERE

    No.53: Short Term FA & TA Leads (18th Feb - 22nd Feb) Click HERE

    No.52: Short Term FA & TA Leads (11th Feb - 15th Feb) Click HERE

    No.51: Short Term FA & TA Leads (4th Feb - 8th Feb) Click HERE
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