spreadsheet - how long will it last?

  1. 8,917 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    I have taken Terry's SS, and added some items. Occasional but regular big ticket items like overseas trips and car upgrade etc. The frequency can be input, as can a 'stop at age' number

    I've also added on overseas pension that can be indexed or flat (as in the case of a UK pension).

    The SS assumes age 60 & full pension and thus zero tax.

    Next releases:
    A. take min draw down into account (currently assumes >= than min)
    B. account for Aussie age pension (working on this currently). It gets a little more complex as both the income and asset tests need to be accounted for.
    C. allow TRIP at 55. This gets a lot more complex as the taxable and tax free elements and other income have to be taken into account. This is on the back burner, but I'll give it a shot.

    Anyone who would like a copy, and be user testers for this would be appreciated. Along with any ideas to improve it!

    Send private email if interested.

    Clearly this is on an 'as is' basis, and you should take professional advice. But can be a handy cross check on those financial plans you pay $5-10K for :-)

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