CTF citrofresh international limited

additional information - retroscreen virology repo

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    Citrofresh International Ltd. ABN: 76 064 551 426 Sanitising The World For Your Protection
    International Ltd
    Citrofresh® - The only natural choice.
    SEPTEMBER 2005
    Citrofresh International Limited (CTF) released an announcement to the ASX dated 27th
    September 2005 detailing the results of laboratory tests conducted by Retroscreen
    Virology on the efficacy of Citrofresh® against four virus cell lines; Urbani SARS virus
    C1008 (Urbani SARS), A/Sydney/5/97 MDCK (Human Influenza A virus), HRV-16 MRC-5
    (Human Rhinovirus) and HIV-1IIIB C8166 (HIV-1).
    The Company is pleased to clarify the following points and provide additional information
    on the Retroscreen report and CTF information.
    Retroscreen Virology
    Retroscreen Virology Ltd (www.retroscreen.com) is an independent company (located at
    Barts & The London, Queen Mary’s School of Medicine & Dentistry, London, United
    Kingdom) that was commissioned by the research arm of CTF to conduct laboratory trials
    on the efficacy of the four above-mentioned viruses. The Retroscreen report was
    commissioned in August 2004 following on from trials and data reviews that had been
    previously undertaken in South Africa and China and are still ongoing.
    The study described in this report was conducted in compliance with the following Good
    Laboratory Practice (GLP) standards and Retroscreen has acknowledged as a function of
    the GLP standards that the report data is valid. It meets:-
    1) The United Kingdom Good Laboratory Practice Regulations 1999 Statutory
    Instrument No. 3106.
    2) The United Kingdom Good Laboratory Practice (Codification Amendments etc.)
    Regulations 2004 Statutory Instrument No. 994.
    3) OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice, (Revised 1997).
    Further disclosure of the laboratory results are noted in this announcement.
    Citrofresh International Ltd
    8 Rodney Road, North Geelong,
    Victoria 3215.
    PH: 61 3 5272 3013
    FAX: 61 3 5272 3144
    Email: [email protected]
    Website: www.citrofresh.com
    Citrofresh International Ltd. ABN: 76 064 551 426 Sanitising The World For Your Protection
    Further Disclosure on the Retroscreen Report
    Retroscreen Virology was commissioned to undertake in vitro laboratory trials to
    determine the efficacy of Citrofresh® against the above-noted viruses.
    Citrofresh® was tested in four different concentrations against the above-noted viruses;
    0.25%, 0.5%, 2% and 5%. Each Citrofresh® concentration was tested for toxicity on each
    of the four cell lines.
    Retroscreen Virology used three different adherent cell lines; C1008, MDCK and MRC-5 for
    the detection of cytopathic effect (CPE) of the viruses after exposure to Citrofresh® for 1
    and 5 minutes. Following the above contact times, cells were incubated at 37 ºC and CPE’s
    were checked and recorded every day for up to 7 days.
    Prior to the viral testings, an Acute Toxicity Assay was carried out to determine the
    adherent cells viability against Citrofresh® and each cell line exhibited >80% viability,
    which was the minimum requirement for further studies.
    The pH versus Citrofresh® concentration was also determined, including the titre of viral
    log reduction, to evaluate the effect of pH on viral growth inhibition.
    With respect to the results reported by Retroscreen Virology, it was concluded that of the
    four viruses, Human Influenza A virus exhibited the most significant viral load reduction of
    log10 2.8 in the lowest concentration of Citrofresh® at 1%, followed by the Human
    Rhinovirus log10 2.5 reduction at a 2% concentration.
    On the above mentioned viruses, the reduction of viable virus load was exhibited after 1
    minute exposure time to Citrofresh® i.e. the viral log reduction of 2.8 and 2.5 occurred
    within a 1 minute contact time. At the same time Citrofresh® exhibited concentration
    dependent viral load reduction activity against SARS, Influenza A and the Human
    Rhinovirus. Citrofresh® did not exhibit time dependent viral load reduction against HIV-1
    virus and was effective against this virus in a 5% concentration.
    These results are conclusive and determine the effective concentration of Citrofresh®
    against enveloped and non-enveloped viruses and confirms that equal or less than 5%
    concentration and equal or less than 5 minutes contact time will be sufficient to eliminate
    all of these viruses as tested.
    Retroscreen concluded that “Citrofresh exhibits significant virucidal activity against all four
    viruses tested.”
    Company Background
    CTF’s Managing Director, Mr. Ravi Narain has been developing the current Citrofresh®
    formulation over the last nine years and CTF holds the exclusive marketing rights to the
    Citrofresh® range of products.
    CTF actively pursues registration for its products in multiple jurisdictions and as those
    registrations are granted it seeks commercial partners and distributors to market the
    Citrofresh® range of products.
    Citrofresh® Products
    Citrofresh® is a unique, certified organic, broad-spectrum micro-biocide used in a range of
    dilutions and applications as a disinfectant and sanitizer. It is the ‘base product’ from
    Citrofresh International Ltd. ABN: 76 064 551 426 Sanitising The World For Your Protection
    which many Citrofresh® products are derived such as Citrofresh, Croplife, Derm-E-San,
    San-E-Foam and Citrofresh Feed Additive. The disinfectant product is unique in that
    Citrofresh® has no harmful side effects. It is biodegradable, non-carcinogenic, nonallergenic
    and non–toxic. Even in its concentrated form, it is not harmful to the skin.
    Solutions may be disposed of by pouring down the drain without harm to the
    Due to its synergistic activity created from a Bioflavonoid complex and naturally occurring
    organic acids, the compound has had significant impact in the food, pharmaceutical and
    biotechnology industries, by acting as an effective anti-viral/anti-bacterial disinfectant and
    anti-fungal agent.
    CTF operates in the following four markets:
    Food & Agriculture
    • Food (food processing, shelf-life extension & bacterial control).
    • Crop-Health (nutrition, anti-mould, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal).
    Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfectant
    • Industrial (food processing).
    • Hospital & Healthcare.
    • Decontamination (bio-security, emergency disease control).
    Human Health & Personal Hygiene
    • Broad-Spectrum micro-biocide for various human healthcare applications.
    • Personal Hygiene and healthcare products.
    • Government - Bio-Terrorism.
    Animal Health
    • Animal Health (nutrition, feed additive, anti-bacterial/virucidal).
    • Government - Emergency Disease Control & Prevention.
    Citrofresh® has not been developed as a vaccine and is not claiming to be a cure for any
    of the viruses noted in the Retroscreen report. Citrofresh® is a topical application and its
    current use is as a disinfectant. The application of Citrofresh® as a product is to impact on
    the transmission of viruses and bacteria. This is consistent with the products current use
    as a Hospital Grade disinfectant and hand sanitiser.
    Citrofresh® is TGA Listed as a Hospital Grade Disinfectant (AUST L 199957) and as a Hand
    Sanitiser (AUST L 80972 & TGAIN 156394). The Retroscreen Virology laboratory results
    are further evidence of the efficacy of Citrofresh® as a broad spectrum biocide and the
    recent laboratory results are consistent with laboratory results derived over the last nine
    years (Refer www.citrofresh.com “Kill List” and related data in the Download section).
    Prior Company disclosures
    The Company announcement of 27th September 2005 is consistent with recent
    announcements released by the company.
    On the 19th September 2005 the company announced inter alia: a major expansion into
    the South African market with the signing of a three year $4.5m distribution expansion
    agreement with its South African distributor, Citrofresh South Africa Pty Ltd. (Citrofresh
    Citrofresh International Ltd. ABN: 76 064 551 426 Sanitising The World For Your Protection
    SA). Citrofresh SA will initially target the livestock and agricultural sectors. Citrofresh® is
    used as a surface disinfectant to decontaminate infected areas. Trials are currently
    underway to determine if Citrofresh® can also be used as a potential feed additive for
    ostriches to prevent Avian Influenza infection.
    On the 8th August 2005 CTF announced efficacy of Citrofresh® against the H5N2 strain of
    Avian Influenza. The study was completed by The Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute
    (OVI) of South Africa. The OVI is a division of the South African Agricultural Research
    Council (ARC), a semiautonomous body created to improve the efficiency of research and
    other services rendered to the agricultural community. The study and report was
    completed by the OVI virology department which researches epidemiological aspects of
    viral diseases of Africa. At that time the company announced that the company would
    commence benchmarking its product against the current leading chemical disinfectants
    used in the important emergency animal disease control and bio-security market.
    On the 13th May 2005 the company announced that the Therapeutic Goods Administration
    (TGA) had approved Citrofresh® as a Hospital Grade Disinfectant. CTF’s hand sanitising
    gel, Derm-E-San had been previously approved by the TGA.
    These announcements are consistent with CTF’s policy of ensuring its shareholders are
    provided with continuous disclosure of the company’s market and research developments.
    Additional Studies
    CTF is currently undertaking additional in-vivo trials in South Africa by OVI for the efficacy
    of Citrofresh® for use as a virucidal feed additive targeting Avian Influenza. These trials
    are consistent with previous Citrofresh® trials conducted on animal health applications.
    Other trials currently being undertaken include Dengue Fever and Foot and Mouth Disease
    (National University of Singapore).
    CTF is currently developing its trial protocols for in-vivo virucidal testing of Citrofresh® and
    will announce the timing of these trials in due course.
    CTF is committed to developing Citrofresh® as a unique broad spectrum biocide. CTF is
    dedicated to its long term future and recognises that the development of certain
    Citrofresh® applications and the registration thereof in varying jurisdictions will occur both
    in the medium and longer terms. That being said it should be noted that CTF currently
    has products and approvals in different jurisdictions and is generating income from these
    products. Any further research aims of CTF are to expand the claims that can be made for
    existing and future CTF products. Citrofresh can be used as a prevention control measure
    with respect to the four viruses tested in the Retroscreen report.
    For Further enquiries:
    Ravi Narain, Ron Gajewski,
    Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Non-Executive Chairman,
    (03) 5272 3013 (08) 9240 2448
    Dated 28th September 2005
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