how cheeky is timmy, page-7

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    seems, you, Head, may be party to Tim's charitable givings?
    SO could you list what they have been? Has he caught it from Gillard - now handing out billions to buy West Sydney's vote?

    Also, Gillard promised to pay for this West Sydney jaunt- we thought it was just going to be her! Not the whole Circus! Cabinet - candidates - promises of billions $'s - Oh no, I'll not campaigning though, she bleats. SO then, is SHE still paying, as she said she would - personally? (And will pigs fly?) How long can she keep up this endless and constant hoodwinking of a seemingly very dumb public?

    Mr. MAthieson has YET to walk into the new Black Saturday area's Men's Shed - built with lots of survivors blood seat and tears - against all sorts of odds he could never even begin to imagine! Think the blokes there would die of shock. But, if McTernon reads this - he may send him there - better late than never! Perhaps McTernon reads lots of what we say on here - having long run out of ideas (and give away monies) himself. And I question his right - on 1 457 visa to have intimate knowledge of hugely secret Governmental business - high security stuff! He, not even born here - an import. Alleged expert in de-stablisation of Tories. He tried the same tactic with David Cameron - and failed. SO now Gillard brings him in here! Machiavellians! Who thrive and survive on engendering political hatreds, battles, and creating chaos where there's been order.

    Yes, back to Mathieson. A Mens' Shed which almost wasn't built - huge mountain of obstacles. Those running it unpaid - many of whom had lost loved ones, and houses, their all! Most of them hugely traumatised - for life - Tim in his Gillard engendered "cocoon" wouldn't have the first foggiest clue of what these fabulous men have done under such hardships.

    And one would imagine Tim, with respect, has it in spades to give, anyway. Not exactly scrubbling around as to how to pay his next Safeway bill? Nor getting the phone calls that yet another community friend has taken their own life.

    Yep - Easy peasy - to be generous. When it doesn't out any dent in your wallet. And when it's broadcast, as some sort of "attribute", to gloss up one's own character - it's worse.

    This is the bloke, so gauche and naive, who embarrass Australia by walking down a red carpet - inspecting an honor guard, in Indonesia. Our diplomats must have wished the ground would open up and consume them, so embarrassed were they! And bet the Indos has a good laugh afterwards!

    Most true givers - true lovers of their fellow men and women - do great, philothrantic things in secret, deeds which everyone else never gets to know about.

    Mathieson's NOT elected. Nor is he married to Gillard. Suggest if he wants to start giving speeches, he put himself up for some pre-selection - in some safe Lbor seat!

    I recall Jeanette Howard was always much maligned for daring to venture some opinion - rarely - yet it's OK for Mathieson with the Comrades. Let's hope this is not the forerunner of bringing him in as the fiance! Wedding to follow. Which is what I've predicted all along.

    Gillard up to her ears in campaigning pork-barreling - and now, to add to her "governance" lie - up pipes Tim Mathieson.

    OF course Gillard and Mathieson are now hugely pumped up with their own immortality - she, having seen of the most decent person in Australian politics for many a long year - Ted Baillieu, by virtue of her rotten, spiteful GST revenue and already existing health funds - which she snaffled back again - funding cuts, mid Budget year agreement.
    Baillieu, damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. And it was ALL Gillard - that he went.

    Bet she hasn't stop guffawing since - at how clever she was.
    Through this, Mathieson now being emboldened? GOSH,Tim'll be Deputy next! (Emerson, who sees himself "Prince Charming", will be LIVID!)

    (Never mind the shambles which she and Plebersek have now made of the Victorian Health System. Which I know lots about - as "one of ours" works in the busiest Emergency Room in the State!)

    Victoria's the most "Labor" because here, Unions rule the roost. Mike Smith now predicts next PM will be Bill Shorten.
    That Gillard might even know it - and move over for him. Heaven help us!
    The "don't you know who I am - where's my pie" guy!

    Spare us, Tim MAthieson. Don't make the mistake of getting too cocky!

    Politics - filthy, filthy, ruthless, business.

    Ted Baillieu a ruddy great Premier. But character and principles, and justice being seen to be done, don't count for much, any more. It's dog eat dog. A self-absorbed, selfish word.

    Roxon's lecturing's gone. Don't take her place in the "Nanny Lectures" department, Tim Mathieson. Keep your personal opinions to yourself!

    Find something to do - and do it, quietly. After all, your partner, Miss. Gillard, will retire on $250,000 per annum - plus plus perks. WHo wouldn't give some away - when life's so hugelr plush - and never another financial stress - for the rest of one's life!

    All of us could be Mozart's, Rembrandts, and Wildes, if we had NO financial worries. Or benefit of huge Labor Arts' grants!

    Not so bad if we, the people who provide the taxes, think the person has done a great job. Very galling when, as I and others allege, the person raking it in has done a hugely rotten one. SO don't preach to us, Mr. Mathieson! About how good you think WE should be.
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