ten major u.s. disasters on significant dates, page-98

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    re: irjones - einstein & the secret doctrine
    .............. and Einstein getting his energy equation via Theosophy's mysticism."

    I mentioned he had a copy of The Secret Doctrine on his desk & as you can read below it is fair to assume, he was inspired by what he read. Blavatsky wrote The Secret Doctrine by means of 'automatic writing' or 'channeling' or to put it another way a higher force was dictating what to write & I suppose she wrote what she 'interpreted'.

    How Did Albert Einstein Intuit (Grok) E=mc2?


    That's easy... He looked it up in The Secret Doctrine. (1)

    Here's the Background:

    On the 20th Anniversary of Einstein's death (1975), physicist Richard Feynman was quoted in Time magazine as saying, "I cannot understand how he arrived at the intuition (2) leading to E-mc^2, considering the level of scientific knowledge at the time."(1905)

    A niece of Einstein reported that a copy of the Secret Doctrine was always on his desk.(3) Another witness, Jack Brown, reports similarly in an article, "I visited Professor Einstein." (4)

    Here's the story as I got it:

    Sometime, around the mid 1970s, I was attending a lecture by a foreign visitor at the United Lodge of Theosophists in New York City... After the talk, a group of ULT associates and I met the speaker, Mrs. Wadia, the elderly British born widow of a well known Indian theosophical writer and lecturer. She was accompanied by several other Indian women dressed in Saris.

    Mrs. Wadia, or one of the other women with her (I do not remember their names) told us that when she was at the Theosophical Publishing Company in Adyar during the mid 1960s, she met Einstein's niece, who said she had come to the TPC headquarters to offer their library the book that was at the bedside of her uncle when he died. Mrs. Wadia (or the speaker) said that she and several others at the Adyar Lodge gratefully accepted the worn out and dog-eared copy of the first edition ofThe Secret Doctrine - The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy by H. P. Blavatsky.

    I asked whether she actually handled and opened the book. She answered that she had. When I specifically asked if there were any margin notes, she said that the book was heavily notated and underlined, and that the margins were covered with scribbles and other markings that none of them could make heads nor tails of. (What would we give to get a look at them?) When someone else asked what happened to the book, she said, it was still in the library of the Lodge in Adyar.

    Whether it could still be found there today, is anybody's guess.. (If anyone gets to read its "scribbles" as a result of this lead, please let me know.)

    This information, however, led me to re-evaluate the "Secret Doctrine" which I had been studying for the past many years (and which was already heavily underlined and margin notated -- but mostly of philosophical, occult, symbolical, and comparative religion significance).

    I immediately Purchased a new facsimile edition of The Secret Doctrine (The Theosophy Company, Los Angeles) with the intention of starting all over... But, this time, specifically to study its deeper scientific teachings with reference to the linkages between consciousness, mind and their associated biological organs and organisms (since most of its teachings in cosmology and physics had already been culled and expanded by Einstein, Planck, Millikan, Heisenberg, Bohr, Gell-Mann, Feynman, Hawkings and many others).

    My continuing study since that time (and the margin notes it engendered) led me ultimately to the present holographic consciousness theory of Astro Biological Coenergetics and the beginnings of a new scientific paradigm and technology derived from it -- that I am still working on... Hopefully, "next year (or the year after :-), Jerusalem." ;-)>

    Leon H. Maurer
    New York, October 29, 1997

    P.S. I'm not sure if my letter to Feynman in 1975, (telling him where Einstein got his insight) pointed him to the SD. (He never responded.) But it wasn't really necessary for his own work... Since, Einstein (and Millikan, for another -- but that's another story) had already been there. :-)>

    "You can tell the seriousness of a scientific theory by how much fun the discoverer had in writing about it." -A.N.Onymous (or Al. Einstein :)


    (1) The Secret Doctrine - The Synthesis of Science Religion and Theosophy, H. P. Blavatsky, The Theosophy Company, London, Madras, 1888

    (2) "...mass or substance is equivalent to energy and that time and space are integral parts of the substance-energy continuum...," Cranston, S. L., HPB;: the extraordinary life and influence of Helena Blavatsky, founder of the modern theosophical movement, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1993, 434; ibid, Ref: Notes, Part 7, Note 21, 606" A. March and I.M Freeman, The New World of Physics, 1963; quoted in Sunrise, November 1975, 81"
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