ten major u.s. disasters on significant dates, page-101

  1. 485 Posts.
    re: mr jones - ten major u.s. disasters on sig Denny,

    Your post:

    "I'll give you one at a time but first consider that all effects can have an infinite number of causes where whatever happens to a thing is a result of the infinite variety of matter in motion within and without. Consciously deterministic assumptions are needed".

    Why the last sentence? Determinism, at least in the sense that I think you intend it, is defined more or less, as an effect being the result of all antecedent causes.

    Whether those causes are finite or infinite depends on whether one holds to an always-existing universe or one that came into being 10 to 15 billion years ago.

    Your argument then really is classical determinism.

    But is determinism rational? Try the following argument:

    Philosophical Naturalism holds that only the physical world exists and physical laws determine all events. This would include all mental events. However, anyone who argues that something physical determines our thoughts paints himself or herself into a horrible indefensible corner. Determinism cannot account for either reason or a free will.

    Norman Geisler explains:

    "A determinist insists that both determinists and non-determinists are determined to believe what they believe. However determinists believe non-determinists are wrong and ought to change their view. But, 'ought to change' implies they are free to change, which is contrary to determinism.... CS Lewis argued that naturalistic, complete determinism is irrational. For determinism to be true there would have to be a rational basis for their thought. But if determinism is true, then there is no rational basis for thought, since all is determined by non-rational forces. So, if determinism claims to be true then it must be false."
    Hence, philosophical naturalism cannot stand on it own epistemic base. That is, it cannot offer us a rational basis for believing what we do, even for believing that philosophical naturalism is true. It is, therefore, a self refuting position and necessarily false.

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