why censorship of the media now?

  1. 386 Posts.
    Why has the government chosen to roll out this Orwellian clamp on free speech at this time, given that Conroy raised it a year ago and Gillard swotted it to the bottom drawer then as it was so loopy? Bear in mind that Conroy really does fit out the Stalin jacket well - both physically and ideologically.

    Some possibilities:

    1. the idea of a Soviet style media Commissar is loopy, even to Gillard, but times have changed. Conroy controls votes in caucus. Gillard is desperate to shore up support as the buzzards circle. Conroy is not averse to wielding power - ask Kevin in 2010 - Conroy has made his continued support conditional on Cabinet supporting these laws.

    2. [credit to Gary Hardgrave of 4BC] - it is all a diversion. Caucus can only roll a PM when they're together in Canberra ie when both Houses are sitting. They don't sit often. They're sitting for 2 weeks from last Tuesday then not again for some time. Gillard is toxic in the polls. Rudd is circling. How better to get the minds of the public, the simpletons in the Press gallery and Caucus off leadership speculation then to create a diversion. That's been done. Conroy put a limit until next Thursday to pass the laws ie the day caucus all go home and Gillard survives. It has worked well. Rudd hasn't been heard of - all media focus is on outrage over the proposed laws. She will survive this sitting.

    3. it's a new McTernan strategy. The Scottish strategy [I'm of Scottish heritage so I understand the ethos!] is that when you're cornered and down, you pick a fight. We've had the screeching "misogynist" gender war - didn't work; Swan's class war against robber mining barons - didn't work; class war again at Rooty Hill - didn't work - so, why not pick a fight with the robber media barons [well, just one] and root for the little guy.

    Whichever strategy it is, the timing suggests it is just spin, spin, spin to try to get a lift in the next poll so that Gillard can survive until the next caucus meeting in Canberra. Meanwhile we're not being governed properly.

    Australia deserves much better then this Machievellian creature in the Lodge. It has nothing to do with gender and everything to with an appalling lack of character.
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