who would go to bali now???, page-7

  1. 303 Posts.
    Some people......
    ......."believe if they simply refuse to fight a war, somehow, their enemies will give up and go away. They live in a nebulous world of sweet dreams and foolish fantasies. They’re cute in a way, much like children, who, because of their tender age, are naïve enough to believe that all people are kind, decent, and incapable of evil intent.

    Perhaps it’s a sad commentary on the human condition, but we all have to grow up and face reality. After 9/11, the U.S. government was forced to face the reality that suicidal fanatics are willing to fly airplanes into our buildings. President Bush took the fight to the terrorists by invading Afghanistan and Iraq. Since then, we have not had any more terrorist attacks on our soil. If Donohue or any of his leftist comrades had been Chief Executive, they undoubtedly would have begged the terrorists to have mercy on us. They would have initiated a study to determine what we did to make them hate us. Then, they would have made peace offerings to the killers in the hope that they’d spare our lives.

    Prior to WW2, Neville Chamberlain did the same thing with Hitler. He appeased the power hungry monster by agreeing to allow him to take over parts of Europe without interference from England. That only served to make Der Fuhrer stronger and more confident in his ability to challenge the world. England was paid back and then some for her anti-war stance when Germany launched an air invasion “blitz” on London that lasted for months"......
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