auction overdrive as buyers push past reserves, page-15

  1. 2,983 Posts.
    Between this and the humour forum I can't help but laugh at some of the remarks made by the bulls.

    Passive wrote: "The only panic now is in the minds of those who miss out"

    Hmmmm, speak for yourself Passive. I can assure you that most fence sitters quietly observing the market are in no Panic to buy back into property... if anything we're quite comfortable watching our money grow elsewhere.

    It is hilarious to think we will be "missing the boat" here like more people are going to take on more debt to jack up house prices once again.

    I'd be more inclined to head back over to USA to invest in property as opposed to the Australian market. Much better value and yields to be found O/S, can't say the same for Australia market just yet. Property will be on par with inflation IMO for another couple of years.

    Always a good laugh hearing you bulls spruik things up though like we're all doomed not to be in debt to the bank.

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