latham shown the door by skynews

  1. 10,401 Posts.
    Viewers of SkyNews would be aware of Latham's increasingly bizarre behaviour which peaked about 3 weeks ago when he was on Chris Kenny's Saturday morning show. Latham had made derogatory comments about Andrew Robb's book on his battle with depression - well, they were offensive comments really. Kenny gave him an opportunity to retract them and apologise - instead, Latham waved about a copy of the book and started a lengthy rant.

    A fortnight ago on Paul Murray Live, Latham whipped out the book again and started raving on, describing Robb, essentially, as mentally unbalanced. Pot, kettle and all that. Latham was trying to undo years of hard work by groups like BeyondBlue. Murray received a lot of complaints abut the rant and made an on-air explanation the next night. He did not apologise, saying he had no control over what guests said - interestingly he said nothing about the control HE has over who he invites on.

    Last week, PML had Latham on as a guest again. Chris Kenny was one of the other guests. Half way through the show Latham whipped out the book and started ranting, asking if Australians wanted someone with a mental illness like Robb to be Minister for Finance after the election. It was indescribably offensive. After an ad break, Murray said that Kenny had to leave to go home, as he has small children. The truth is that Kenny could not bear to share a table with Latham and walked out.

    Last night, Murray said during his show that Latham has taken leave from the show to concentrate on writing a book but that he'll be back when he's finished. Murray described Latham as a good personal friend [which says something about Murray's judgment]

    Murray's strained explanation could not hide the obvious - namely that SkyNews have sacked Latham for his offensive behaviour. Let's hope no media source ever gives this lunatic a soap box again.

    Only 8 years ago, the ALP tried to sell this man at an election as Prime Minister.

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