GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

idiots who brought gold crash also brought you

  1. 5,440 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 575
    Well the morons, criminals who brought you the gold crash have also brought you...

    the GFC... you know the housing that can never go down... and selling of houses with mortgages at 100+% to people with no jobs

    the AAA subprime seal of approval... to the people of dubbo... I never thought an idiot in America could actually package up a worthless load and sell it to the good people of dubbo

    the too big to fail... you know, sending trillions of dollars to criminals running the bankrupt, gambling banks around the world.... the trillions of dollars from YOUR children and grand children and great grand children and great, great grand children

    the LIBOR scandal... oh, what is a few tens of trillions of dollars, euros, peso, ruble, yen scimmed on margin; it does not matter, it is only common man paying (as usual)

    the bail OUT... taxpayers money paid to banksters

    the bail IN... bank depositors money stolen and given to the banksters

    paper gold... I guess if your skill is paper money, you might as well try your hand at paper GOLD

    QE-FU... quantative easing for u; if there is not enough money to steal from taxpayers and depositors... just PRINT it and give it to the banksters

    the GOLD takedown(s)... how dare something try to represent money and store of value without their permission

    zero percent offical interest rates... in order to keep some 'joke' of respectability, we need to PAY interest on the printed money... ok, let us pay 0.25%... and we will print money to pay the 0.25% as well

    invisible weapons of mass destruction... need I say more

    The list goes on and on and on.

    And the gold bears and the people here who BACK the system think that these IDIOTS are going to lead us to somewhere that is not hell. Sorry. This mob is leading us to a bad, bad place.

    Ben Bernanke and Mario Whateveryournameis and countless nameless criminals. Most of the posters on this board have more intelligence in a piece of dirt lodged in a pore than you have. And morals... let me not go there.

    I am so, so, so confident this list of drivelling fools trying to con the world are NEARLY, NEARLY finished. The end result will not be so good. Because for decades the world had been led by idiots. Idiots with no morals. What a great, great combo. I think if you go back to the great Greek philosophers... then you will find IDIOTS with NO MORALS... is not a great combination to lead.

    IDIOTS... and IDIOT minions (I am looking at you JPM and GS and others)... the time is nearly up!
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