disastrous week for abbott. ., page-3

  1. 13,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    LOL the blokes Teflon because he is good people, at worst as the bad people get even shriller toward election day he might loose some sheen but the teflon will remain un-impacted because only those wavering toward low personal nature will vote for Labor today......

    It's makes for good comedy in real time.

    Do the hard socialists on social media understand that they have been and will continue to be the coalitions biggest hugest greatest uber massive asset???...bet they do not within their compulsions.

    more good comedy it is, I might still like 3 years ago have one foot in each camp if it where not for the ability to read social media hard socialist opinion (opinion the government cannot control to mitigate the ongoing harm done to them) and I am but one of hundreds of thousands/millions? they have converted solidly to the opposition this last 4 years.

    Nothing short of a new labor brand that's outwardly committed to the centre of politics (direct competition for abbott/libs)will get us back....but to where will our pol pot social media socialist go then?

    Very interesting 6-12 months ahead.
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