bloomberg says constitution will change, page-18

  1. 21,239 Posts.
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    diligent -

    I don't actually read most of your posts, they are too predictable.... it's also clear you are so full of hatred that you are unable to read mine. So be it.

    but I will pick you up on your misinformed view of Israel being democratic.

    Israel has stolen Arab land for decades. Israeli armoured bulldozers level Palestinian homes and orchards depriving them of their livelihoods and build a concrete wall (just like the Berlin Wall everyone criticised) with checkpoints where Arabs are treated like cattle as they try to cross to see relatives, conduct business etc. Israel is still building Jewish settlements on Arab land with impunity. They treat Palestinians in ways very similar to the ways the Nazis treated the Jews in former times, forcing them to live in Ghettos, throwing stones, garbage, and sewage into their homes from hilltop heights. This is outright apartheid which the 'free' world formerly condemned but appears to accept when it's Israeli apartheid. Read Jimmy Carter's book on his thoughts about Israeli 'policy'.

    have a nice day.

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