boat people - centrelink cycle, page-35

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    This discussion seems to crop up fairly regularly. Overstayers outnumber the boat people nearly 10 to 1 according to immigration estimates. Granted, they probably can't get welfare and if they work, it'll be cash.

    But, to the issue:

    Each refugee accepted here should receive assistance provided that they understand a few things.

    *Arriving by boat means they will never be granted full citizenship.

    *Only immigrants who apply offshore and are accepted can become citizens

    *Involvement in crime precludes them from ever having permanent residency and makes them subject to deportation depending on the seriousness.

    *Financial assistance will have an end date. Failure to stand on your own two feet after a generous period (2years?)
    makes you subject to deportation.

    Obviously, some of the attraction to coming here would reduce but genuine people who really want to make an effort will still come and good on 'em.
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