welcome to western sydney, page-16

  1. 27,501 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 181
    No for many little girls with little girls for moms
    its welcome to the baby bonus.
    a pile of ipads dvd's some dope for mom .........for baby sittin........new jeans ....all from costello....and I voted for the idiot.
    I believe you can make it run to$7000......yikes
    If gillard is going to stop it............ it should be instant.....then only babies who are WANTED will be born.
    Not a payday for a 13 year old.
    We have the continuing culture of grandma ....unmarried mother
    mum is unmarried .
    daughter is unmarried
    and so on.
    All existing in a filthy busted housing comm unit
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