the voter needs to know, page-8

  1. 5,919 Posts.
    Well first of all, in resonse to a couple of posters, I am not a part hack, I have never been employed by the Labor Party nor even a member. How funny it is that every time the Libbers are painted into a corner by embarrassing questions they come up with this sort of thing. I have stated that this sort of behaviour should be banned.

    Now, Pecora . The GST is not the most equitable tax, it is exactly the opposite. I will not go into the reasons why this is so for you and others very well know what they are.

    If we need to raise the tax take a better way would be to increase the top marginal rate. This would result in those who can afford to help the country putting in. The ordinary man, as you lot have pointed out so often, is having a hard time of it. An increase, any increase, in the GST would cruel him.
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